I have three fears. 1. Losing someone I'm close to. 2. Being chased, hate it. 3. Deep water, like the ocean.
Being alone, no one in the world but me, the thought of nonexistance in an endless void of darkness that is consuming me. There would be no reason to live, life would be meaningless and there would be no way to die. you would have to wait, thinking, your mind consuming its self every minute of your endless, souless, life. This scares me, and I dont think it will ever happen, but, when im alone, in the dark, I sometimes feel the walls closing in. no escape, no hope, no life, and worst all, No Death.
Update: My biggest fear at the moment is that I'll never get out of this town soon. Where I live it's just toxic, everyone is fucking judgmental as fuck and if you're not good friends with someone here, you can't get a job whatsoever. Meh.
The fact that you and I and everything in this world will eventually fade into oblivion, that we won't make a lasting mark in this world.