What to expect for the next couple of days

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Highwon, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Had loadout saving issue, after map change on West 2
    • Agree Agree x 5
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Loadouts save for a map or two on West 2, EU, and Vanilla for me, but then reset and then save again for a map or two.

    No idea why it does this.
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  3. Have the loadout issues been resolved, fellas? Loadout was getting wiped at map change.
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  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    West 1 follows a simliar pattern. Once I save my loadout, it will cooperate for a map or two, then make me fix my loadout again.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  5. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    This is a problem on both EU and Vanilla still. Every couple of rounds or so I would have to fix my loadout.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Old Old x 1
  6. Deepsea1508

    Deepsea1508 Hyuman VIP Emerald

    i guess this is happening on all the servers, i came onto east and i had to fix my loadout

    Edit: I switched from East to EU and i had to fix my loadout again
    Edit2: it seems when it happens the crowbar draw goes back to its original speed
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    I'm not getting boosted mic battery on west 2.
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  8. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    Im still having issues with loadouts saving. Every map change I have to keep resetting it, this seems to be on West 1 and West 2 for me , havent tried the other servers yet.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    My loadouts are still resetting on all TTT servers.
  10. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    I have made some minor updates in the loadout code so it hopefully sticks better now. Let me know if you keep having loadout reset issues.

    Mic battery should be fixed on West 2 as well.
    • Like Like x 4
  11. POP STAR

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Not saving on EU after 2 maps
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. SchmooveySchmoove

    SchmooveySchmoove He's so Schmooooveeee VIP

    So after playing a bit on East 2, the loadouts dont seem to save on there either
  13. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    There seems to be this problem with most servers on and off. It will be fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for the patience Schmoovey!
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    When I played yesterday on Vanilla, I had my loadout for 2 maps then it would not save for a few others. Otherwise on West and East mine are saved.
  15. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Loadouts still do not save after hopping on the servers multiple times in the same day.
  16. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I can confirm that when the "Loadout" resets my crowbar speed also resets. Maybe it is related?
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  17. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    Still resetting on west 1. Can't say about other servers. Seems to happen only when I leave the server by manually disconnecting for some time.
  18. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    Loadouts are still resetting everywhere and a problem I have is with I use fast weapon switch and I have to reselect fast weapon switch menu popup every time I join or the map changes so I can see my guns.
  19. Doodle Bop

    Doodle Bop Things always look impossible until they're done. VIP

    Mine are still resetting also. It's not constant but after say every 2 map changes it resets and I have to reselect my primary and secondary.
  20. POP STAR

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    For future reference and any future occurances let's assume the issue still has not been fully resolved and bear with it for the time-being. Sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused, but a formal announcement will be made when the issue is fixed indefinitely. Thanks for being patient with us!
    • Informative Informative x 1
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