What is your favorite gun to use?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Shadowsources, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. I personly love the Kac Pdw such a awesome gun. All-around Just good to use too.
  2. Sivad87

    Sivad87 On the other hand you have other fingers. VIP

    For many many hours I would gravitate to the M16 like it was my idol. Very low recoil with great range and power makes it a very good weapon to use from meadium to far distance. After ive gotten better with my aiming and tactics I will use the AK47 now which is very powerful and has saved me from many situations in which I shouldnt have gotten out of. Along with using the Colt 1911 as my seconday to headshot AFK and others which makes for fast swift kills and a frag for SHTF cases.
  3. Double Barrel Shotgun for sure, esp as traitor. ACR or Honeybadger otherwise.
  4. kwasaznik

    kwasaznik VIP

    Kac Pow, ACR, SVU Dragunov and the 3x harpoon