Finished Venti

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Darktooth, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    What you wish to accomplish this year: to not be as temperamental as I have been in the past
    Your favorite thing about this community: The awesome up-time of the servers, awesome staff members, cool peoples and coo vibes
    One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc: I would prefer to be publicly spanked/flogged instead of receiving any bans from the forums/shoutbox
    Wish your Lead Administrator a Happy Birthday: No.

    jk happy birfday, eat many cookies and cake and such
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Madman

    Madman Member

    My favorite thing this year is getting my new job that pays more and i enjoy more. A thing i like about this community is it a well connected and we are looking out for each other, I would like to see new maps come in and older maps leave to change it up a little and maybe skins for non rank people like in deathrun., and HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Darktooth I hope you can see many more.
    Live long and prosper.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    What you wish to accomplish this year?
    1. Learn to drive.
    2. Pass ACT with a high score (28 or higher preferably)
    3. Finish writing up two stories of mine.
    4. Be more positive towards people.
    5. Be a bit more active in the community.

    Favorite thing about the community?
    -The staff team most definitely.

    One thing you'd like to see happen?
    -More of that specific event soon, been quite some time since the last. :sneaky:

    Wish your lead administrator a happy birthday
    -Happy B-day DT
  4. Sarkastix

    Sarkastix Well-Known Member

    • What you wish to accomplish this year: Become an efficient and great moderator
    • Your favorite thing about this community: The staff team, they make the community in my opinion
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc. : A new content update for TTT
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday. Happy B-day Darktooth, I wish you the best in life
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    • What you wish to accomplish this year
    • Your favorite thing about this community
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday.

    1) Get a placement in teaching somehwere
    2) Deathrun
    3) Achievements for TTT & XP for DR
    4) Happy Birthday DT

    also @rog the dog y u cross out my achieves :(
    • What you wish to accomplish this year - To complete my GED
    • Your favorite thing about this community - Friendly people that i actually like to play games with
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc. - Some new and bigger maps for the 36 players and possibly new guns
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday. - Happy birthday to you :D
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    the dream is dead
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I provide STTT with a goldmine and they refuse to use it, not my fault haha
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    • What you wish to accomplish this year:
      • I wish to accomplish passing this semester.
    • Your favorite thing about this community
      • The members of this community.
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
      • A gun to be added that can match the AK 47.
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday.
      • Happy Birthday Darktooth. But seriously, if you'd stop spending your money on these giveaways you might be able to afford a dentist to repair that tooth. Good deeds and good karmas not going to magically fix it on its own, ya know?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    • What you wish to accomplish this year - I recently sold a logo to a decently large company, and have been finding quite a bit of success with my graphics work, I want to sell to more companies, and expand ;)
    • Your favorite thing about this community - Everyone here is so nice, and amazing
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc. - I would pay for a DarkRP Server
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday. Darktooth.jpg
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. royboooooy

    royboooooy It'll always snow on Mount Fuji. VIP

    1.) I wish to achieve at least a B in my Geometry class
    2.) my favorite thing in this community is how easy it is to make friends :)
    3.) Something I'd want here is new weapons for the detective and/or the traitors. Maybe an explosive-proof vest or something.

    Happy Birthday DT :D
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    • What you wish to accomplish this year:
    Transfer over to my dream university FINALLY and move out into an apartment!​
    • Your favorite thing about this community
    Isn't it obvious? I fucking love everyone in it. (y)
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
    WELL YOU SEE... I want a color wheel for DR trails.

    Happy birthday kiddo! :smilie:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    1. Progression. The ability to progress in each aspect of my life.
    2. The members who spend time making this community a great place.
    3. More tournaments for a wider range of games (Already potentially in works) - To follow onto this question, I'd like to see more things that promote people to be brought together instead of pushed apart.
    4. Happy birthday again! =)
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  13. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    What you wish to accomplish this year
    I want to finish my first year of university as well as move in to a new apartment with my friends, I would also like to start a relationship with a girl I met recently.

    Your favorite thing about this community
    My favorite thing about this community is the loyalty and dedication shown by some members.

    One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
    Removal of overplayed maps and the addition of new maps and weaponry

    Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday.
    Happy Birthday Darktooth have a good one.:sneakylove::sneakylove::sneakylove::sneakylove::sneakylove:
  14. Aye thanks for the giveaway!
    • What you wish to accomplish this year: I want to finish my school year with passing grades and not fail out of school lol
    • Your favorite thing about this community: The people that I play with xD
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.: Prophunt would be nice

    Hope you have a happy birthday 20 is great 21 is better. lol
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Pugrus

    Pugrus VIP

    • What you wish to accomplish this year: I want to start playing Tennis once it isn't the Ice Age where I live.
    • Your favorite thing about this community: The people here who can make a joke.
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.: Another Vanilla map update, get rid of the maps that don't have any ammo after 2 minutes, like Haven, and tipsky. Prophunt also sounds cool.
    • Happy Birdday
  16. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    What you wish to accomplish: Thing i want to accomplish is over 10 kills as a traitor in just one round.
    Favorite thing about this community: The Staff members
    One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc. : you and Disruptionz in a game same time i am on one of the ttt servers
    Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday: happy birthday @Darktooth and congratz and being lead for pretty much a full year now
  17. Malcom T

    Malcom T Member

    • What you wish to accomplish this year
    • Your favorite thing about this community
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday.
    1) Well first of all im aiming to become a mod and get to know people here better :p
    2) This community is friendly and professional. So there ain't hate and you are accepted as you are. Shoutouts to staff for making this possible ;)
    3) BRING BACK JONDOME. Or atleast do a throwback event where we get to play it :cool:
    4) Happy early birthday and many more to come :shamefullyembarrassed:
  18. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    • What you wish to accomplish this year
      • I want to get a 4-5 on my AP Bio exam, and make it through Junior year. Also I just want to be around for Serious Gmod for as many years as it runs.
    • Your favorite thing about this community
      • I staffed TTT for almost 9 months and moved onto Deathrun, and throughout all of it I have made so many new friends. The staff team is amazing and extremely accepting, and always there when you need someone to talk to or just play a game of league. Picking one thing is hard, but Serious Gmod has become my second family and I love that.
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc.
      • From all of us Deathrunners we would love that Experience System, the maps/models/trails have been handled extremely well as of lately, but we need a long lasting improvement. Also I believe it was @Carned who suggested the CS:GO knives, but those would be a wonderful addition to the game. Overall great job so far.
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday.
      • Happy Birthday @Darktooth ! You've been a great admin/lead admin/and friend, Good luck with college and everything!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. DrkSephy

    DrkSephy VIP Bronze

    • What you wish to accomplish this year: Again. Getting my Driving Permit Then License :)
    • Your favorite thing about this community: Everyone. Most people are fun, Funny, Nice. I enjoy it and that what kept me playing on this community.
    • One thing you'd like to see happen here, like an event, a content update, etc: Teemo Player Model >:)
    • Wish your Lead Administrator (I'll be a Lead here for a year this February 21st!) a Happy Birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) [​IMG]
    • If i win Elite to @kynwall
    • VIP+ to @Void
    • Deathrun Donor: @kam2pro4u
    • UnderTale: to Anyone that doesnt have it and that is Eligible for this giveaway.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
    • Friendly Friendly x 1