Unusual Traitor strategies

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by JackThePumpkin, Jul 16, 2016.


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  1. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Besides the strat Sinz and tz mentioned, this is my favorite thing to do + as a bonus it tilts whoever you do it to.

    1) look for a player on the server you're friends with / know well
    2) buy a knife, or a harpoon if you don't have the upgrade
    3) follow them around to the point where they become suspicious of you
    4) continue to follow them until they aren't suspicious of you anymore
    5) kill them
    6) Receive a pm about how much of a dick you are.

    Works every time.
    • Agree Agree x 8
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Xproplayer

    Xproplayer VIP Silver

    My strat is use literally everything to kill people.
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  3. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    Shaddoll's Bastardous Deathstation

    1. Find a not so obvious area. (Open enough for 3-4 people though)
    2. Throw smoke grenade in that area.
    3. Place death station in smoke.
    4. Whenever someone asks for a health station say "I saw one in this area."
    5. Cackle like a demon after hearing "NO NO NO THAT'S NOT REAL" shouted by the one smart player while his idiot teammate gets him killed.

    Camp the deathstation until a group walks by and open fire on the death station laughing maniacally in the process.

    The best part is the most they can call on you is suspicion.
  4. Rawgah

    Rawgah Scrublord VIP

    For the Death Station bomb I like to place it down and have a key binded to buy a harpoon, then I nail the station with it causing it to blow up instantly. It works way faster then shooting it sometimes.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    I had no idea harpoons worked on it. Noted for the next time I hop on. :sneaky:
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  6. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    @Alice Lumenia
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    The difference is, I don't wait around.

    Just ask CoCo or Ravin. Can't tell you how many times I've knifed them within three seconds of the start of the round.
  8. Rambo

    Rambo Shoot first, ask later. VIP

    1. buy death station and throw it down.
    2. Start shooting everyone you see on sight.
    3. Your DS will do the rest after you're dead.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Gestapo

    Gestapo VIP

    Throw smoke, Throw Deathstation in crowded area
  10. Teamwork is an unusual Traitor technique :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    What I like doing on 67th way is going into the T room where the tester is and then going near the room closest to the teleporter exit. When someone goes in the room there, lock the door, then open the T room door. When they go to enter it, blow them up with the trap. So many PMs about how evil I am.
  12. RaYm0nD

    RaYm0nD VIP Bronze

    In 67th, if you place a C4 on the streetlight (next to the red crate) it will kill everyone in the T tester. They can't hear the C4 either. (pretty sure)
    In innocentmotel, if you place the C4 in a little gap between the stairs in the left (next to the vending machines) you would kill everyone that is next to the T tester.
    If you're in spectate you can find other places to do it.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Etched

    Etched That One Gay Guy VIP

    With a Knife
    1. Buy knife
    2. Find Detective or Player with a Model(A person who is paid attention to)
    3. Pull out knife quickly stab and start spamming "SNIPER! GET DOWN!!"(Preferably have silent knife for this)
    4. Watch people scatter in confusion back away toss a nade as one will more than likely go to id the Dead person and figure out they were knifed.
    5. If you are successful in your get away take the time to giggle that you just knifed someone in the middle of a crowd and are now receiving pms of "HOW DIDNT THEY FUCKING SEE YOU!?"

    Tho Ive seen this used not many use it. I will lay down 3 c4's 1 is to kill maybe 1 or two people, another is set 7 seconds behind that one so when the first people die those who go to id them die, the third is set at 13 seconds behind the second to give time to calm down at a longer interval and allow more people to gather iding the bodies.

    On clue I can place 2 c4 and cover all but 2 areas of the map where you will still take upwards of 48 damage

    Go on a headshot rampage with a colt and wait for people to follow the body line/dna where I leave a very nice decoy that I am covering from afar with a sniper.
  14. Renko

    Renko VIP Iron

    Do this if someone called KOS to you
    1. Buy a silenced weapon or Grab
    2. Grab a smg ammos
    3. Take a stealth kill the more the better
    4. Throw a smoke or inced then leave
  15. If I am the last remaining T
    1. Make sure to place a decoy near dead bodies or in T room to make them know that there is a T alive (most detectives don't even know the true art of decoys)
    2. Buy a disguiser.
    3. Buy a radar. Make sure to pick the innos off one by one alone either with sniper or by brutal force (make sure to change weapons you know how to use on every kill).
    4. Leave bodies unid. Do not burn otherwise they'll use logic.
    5. Once it gets quiet, make the last peeps alive to believe you're inno. They'll ask you to test (if there is no tester skip. continue on)
    6. Follow behind them. This gives a great advantage.
    7. Betrayal feels good to you.

    Smoking hot stuff
    1. Get a smoke(vanilla) or tear gas(non-nilla). Make sure you buy a disguiser.
    2. Get a huge (or a weapon that you'll do damage) or MP7.
    3. Go to where there are bunch of peeps. make sure you throw it while no one is looking. Usually the corner of a room is great.
    4. Go nuts (buy a radar after the smoke popped. Much more effective).

    I usually do this in motel nilla down tester. Works beautifully.

    Blazin_Barrel (see what I did there?)
    1. Get a scrubble barrel.
    2. Buy an MP7.
    3. After you fire the first shot, change to MP7.
    4. Fire. Change. Reload. Rek. Repeat.
    5. Congratulations. You're now in the scrubble barrel rank.
  16. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Buy a bunch of grenades from the store. Throw them and hide. No DNA.

    KOS an experienced player over voice chat very quickly but clearly.
  17. Kenneth

    Kenneth Supporter

    This is a tactic that is probably well known. You call KOS on somebody and make up an believable reason and shoot them. Their panicked cries of help is quite amusing. When another player decides to ID the body, shoot him in the head for more enjoyment.
  18. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    This isn't as easy to do since you can't buy or have double barrels in your loadout anymore.

    1) Get double Barrel
    2) Get Death Station
    3) Look for a nice crowd
    4) Place Death Station down in front of you and then shoot it with double barrel
    5) It will fly across and blow up after moment
    6) *optional* Jihad the survivors

    I've gotten a lot of people with this before. It's fun seeing the deathstation fly and blow everyone up. Also jihading those who are confused as to what happened. They usually don't expect it.
  19. BOX


    I use a trick where I plant a Trip mine through an entrance that also serves as an exit. I usually wait for there to be a huge crowd that goes through the entrance before I do this, then I proceed to drop a discombob or frag. If anyone survives I resort to using a jihad. I have done this twice and it is successful and can land you 3-7 kills depending on the size of the group.

    Another good trick is baiting everyone to a fake "easter egg" and locking a door with a prop or making an obstacle and buying armor and a jihad and blowing up 5 people in a room. It's pretty funny.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Osmium

    Osmium Virtue VIP Silver

    Burn and Turn

    Toss an Incendary into an entrance. Make sure they're stuck. Keep tossing Incendary until you burn them alive....haaha! HAHAHA!
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