Types of drinks(Grown people only)

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by ☠{-NA-}☠LUV YOU CHELSEA♥, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. royboooooy

    royboooooy It'll always snow on Mount Fuji. VIP

    I don't know about you, but caprisun is the best kind of drink. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    If you're not taking vodka enemas then you're not drinking right
  3. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    you're simply just not living if you're not
  4. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    Rum and coke (y)(y)
  5. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    I like pretty much every kind of wine I've tasted. Cheap, expensive, it's all been pretty good in my experience.
  6. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    Wine is OK. The only types of wine I like are the ones with the smokey taste.
  7. Solid Anunoby

    Solid Anunoby VIP Silver

    Arak all the way. 63% Alchohol by Volume, Just pure Fire Water, Middle east style.
  8. Qwesi

    Qwesi VIP

    Absolut vodka uwu
  9. that 63% alcohol volume sounds nice
    just like the Jamaican black drink; very strong
  10. Bear Grylls is familiar with enemas
    If you know what I mean
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Rek

    Rek Ø

    I'm 6'3 is that grown enough :/

  12. Bear

    Bear Meow VIP

    Moscow mule. My favorite drink of all time.

    • 1/2 ounce lime juice
    • 2 ounces vodka
    • 4 to 6 ounces ginger beer
  13. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Tequila Sunrise
  14. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    Yes, that's why I mentioned "Shitty American Beer" most American beer is shit.
    German or Dutch beer is pretty good.
  15. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Correction, cheap american beer for the mass market is shit. Craft beer from America is pretty high quality.
    And Heineken is just as bad as American beer. if not worst. Even a lot of Dutch people themselves hate it.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    i like heineken :-(
  17. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Nothing wrong with that. It's just hypocrisy if you like Heineken and say American beer is shit
  18. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    i thought it was american beer :eek:
  19. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Yeah it's Dutch