Discussion in 'Hobbies' started by Pacifist, May 28, 2016.

  1. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    It's a dark map, so the whole point is that the traitors are suppose to find the people who have separated from the group and kill them in darkness. If you actually believe me, the map use to be much more constricted in it's movement, until I fixed it so that the tunnels part were added. Before if you can believe me, the tunnel was not able to be accessed. I am sorry you feel like my map is too *Basic* but as of right now changing it would 100% break the flow and layout of the map.
  2. Sirhymfer

    Sirhymfer Supporter

    I quite liked the map and I’ll try my best to gather my findings for you so you can have a base to work on to further polish this map.
    For a smoother gameplay, more corridors and places to explore should be added: this will make the map more balance for the traitors and less frustration.

    - You have misaligned textures.
    - No soundscapes
    -You have misaligned blocks
    - Lack of detailing
    - All the weapons/ammo placed at same place.

    - I must mention how well you clipped the map for a stuck-free, smooth movement for players. It’s good to see you took the time to clip all those corners, edges.

    keep up the good and solid work.

    Good luck
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Hey man! Can you message me here with screenshots of the misaligned blocks so I can fix that for a future update? Also, I'm not sure how to do a soundscape but I will definitely try to work that in a future update as well. With the detailing, My problem was mostly that I didn't really know where to work things in. For instance, I didn't want the main alley way to be too cluttered, else the movement would suck (I put a lot of time on layout and finding ways to stop players from getting stuck". I was actually going to place ammo in other spots but I totally forgot and it slipped my mind (I was sort of rushed on the release). I'll work to fix all of that in a future version of the map. Also, in private can you give me some advice on how to fix my layout to be more open? It would really be appreciated considering my map is a layout nightmare atm. Thanks for all the criticism man, especially because I can use it right about now!
  4. Sirhymfer

    Sirhymfer Supporter

    Hello, Little sneak peak continue to polish it however u feel like.
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  5. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I will have a full detailed post up explaining the update and all the sick work you did. Thanks man!
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