Tsu False slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by juniorrr, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    I'm getting really tired of you insulting me. If we 3 Ts had killed the inno where you said we did, in open view, where you saw us, then why'd it take you 15 seconds to then start shooting us? Why wouldn't we have killed you too if you were right there in open view? We killed the inno at around 1:48. You shot the first t at around 2:00.


    I'm going to ask nicely that you stop making this a personal attack on me. If you can prove I'm in the wrong, I'll apologize and void a slay, but so far nothing you've said has convinced me I'm in the wrong.
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I want to ask you to stop insulting Tsu; it is not necessary.

    If I see that this report has nothing more to present, such as you saying that you saw him with an MP7 and more than just a drawing, like a video of the situation, then I will go ahead and lock this report as it has became a words vs words battle and by your original explanation, you killed them for killing an innocent. You drew a picture as to where the person was and Tsu explained where the person was. I will need more substantial evidence from anyone participating before making a verdict about the slay.
  3. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    It took me so long because I arrived from the door to the left and I waited for you guys to ID the body which then was inno, as I moved forward towards the scene the first T had an MP7 out and Bulls acknowledged and did nothing and tried to escape(act like nothing happened) towards on top of the crate as the image shows which took me longer to kill him because I killed the T with the Mp7 out, Ided him and therefore had enough proof to kill Bulls. Again maybe I should have provided more but simple details.

    I ask that mods delve deeper into reports and not just slay based on damage logs unless obvious like a incen or prop damage or mass rdm.

    Can't believe Tsu is just ****** on me right now, it is hard to prove my innocence if I don't have a video of it but can clearly picture what happened. And I can't believe your being "insulted" when all I did was call you a lier back when you called me a lier.
  4. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    We try to get as much info as we can on reports/cases before we issue punishment/absolve guilt, but with 30+ players and only 2 mods, we can easily get swamped. That particular round we had something like 5 reports, all towards the end of the round, so once I saw your explanation in chat, which differed from my personal observation, I issued the slay. I'll try to get more info next time.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    In the future, Juniorrr, choose the simplest explanation possible. Like, you had out an MP7 or you threw a grenade; things that involve one person; the person who reported you. When you start to involve another person, like an innocent that was killed, reports can tend to get harry. Now, if that's the only thing, then of course, use it, but if you have something more concrete then use that in your response.

    I'm going to lock this topic as Tsu has understood where he went wrong.
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