Trial Mod xTimmonZ killing Inno and not slaying himself

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by LeviXLush, May 20, 2014.

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  1. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Could you provide evidence of this so the staff member that issued the slay can be held responsible?

    The rules are plain and simple. If you commit a traitorous act, you can be killed for it. Most of the time if a player is slain for killing someone after they killed and identified a traitor.
  2. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    That slay would be invalid then. That would be a legitimate report if you had gathered evidence but the case here is that it is not RDM.

    This server does not give priority to donators nor staff. Just because you do not win every argument does not mean the system is biased against you.
  3. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    I stay very consistent with my reports; I would not have requested a slay on any individual who was in the same shoes as I was. I have dealt with this situation in countless reports and only send a slay request if there was a 5+ second delay between the kills/shots. Whoever slayed you in the past was actually wrong. You could've easily argued your way out of that one.

    Regarding reports/logs: As soon as somebody complains that "_____ killed me right after I killed _____" I check logs and if they were within 5 seconds I usually just complete the report and don't request for any slays to be administered. Being a trial-mod, I am accountable to view every report and give the mods my opinion on it so they can react, so I see this scenario A LOT.
  4. LeviXLush

    LeviXLush VIP

    So are you telling me, every single time someone calls a KoS I can just go and kill the guy calling the KoS from now on (excluding D's) and get away with it? Because that's what happened here. Except here there was proof.

    I'm done arguing now, because I can already see the outcome. I just want the go ahead from you guys to be able to do what he did and to blow someone's head off immediately after they call a KoS and I won't get a slay. Because that's what I'll start doing since I can't trust them.
  5. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    Technically? Yes. That is 100% allowed.
  6. Josh

    Josh VIP

    "I also want to point out that if Timmonz killed you because you were shooting at someone, whether you called them out or not, it's not RDM; traitors call false KOS's all the time while firing at someone. The bottom line is that, even though it sucks when it happens, you can be killed for shooting a traitor, because you are committing a traitorous act as stated I the server rules."

    Regarding this flawed sense of thinking. I can kill anyone for shooting for any reason? That is obviously not true as I and many others have been slain many times for accidentally killing innos. And that is the main focus of our forum post... xTimmonZ repeatedly killing innos with no such repercussions but when others do it, he issues a slay for them. I am not here to discuss what happened specifically JUST to me, but also what happened repeatedly during my play time with xTimmonZ tonight.
  7. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    This topic will be locked until @Krys can take a look and make a judgement.
  8. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    Traitor trap activators are only visible to traitors, and you cannot kill someone for activating one. There are many instances where another Traitor could activate the trap outside the view of the players who witness the event. It is common knowledge that activating a trap can be done through walls and from a large distance away. While it may be suspicious that the player was the only one in the area at the time of activation, that does not give you enough proof to KOS them. Instead, you can call suspicion on them for looking near the activation button upon activation, or being within the vicinity while the trap was activated. RS-Josh was rightfully slain for KOSing off suspicion that the player had activated the traitor only trap.
    Shooting at players can get you killed. You may enter a gun fight with a different perspective of what the others are seeing or have already seen. You may decide to shoot at the first person who starts shooting, but depending on when you enter the gun fight, your perspective of who is the traitor becomes blurred. xTimmonZ, entered the gun fight and whether he was aware of the KOS or not, chose to kill the player who was shooting at other players. It is a traitorous act to shoot at other players, and doing so may get you killed, even if you're shooting at a traitor. In TTT, the lines of who is actually the traitor and who is the innocent when both are shooting at each other become blurred by a number of situational factors.

    @Krys will have the final word on the validity of this report against his trial mod xTimmonZ.
  9. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    This will take some dissecting. Let me start by saying in your initial post you're attacking a fellow player and being very negative rather than informative. Please refrain from doing so, no matter how upset you may be. Hostility breeds hostility.

    RS-Josh seems to have called out the suspect on pure suspicion. Yes you can activate T traps from a distance, which is why you cannot KOS someone for that on our servers. I do understand if RS-Josh is new to our server and does not know this rule yet, it happens.

    As far as shooting Josh, this could be situational. On TimmonZ's screen he could have heard shooting, turned the corner and saw Josh merely shooting someone else. TimmonZ's probably could have shown some restraint, but as Josh was opening fire upon someone else TimmonZ was allowed to take action.

    As stated, TimmonZ is only a Trial Mod and cannot issue punishments. Yes Josh should be slain for killing someone on suspicion which has already been stated. Also just because the body turns up as a Traitor doesn't excuse RDM.

    This is what I mean earlier by being negative and attacking a fellow player. I myself have been Karma Banned twice, in addition to having my Karma in the 700s. Does that make me any less of a player or Admin? Every time my Karma gets that low it is usually because Innos were doing traitorous things that warranted killing them, with the exception time or two of accidentally throwing a frag due to keyboard/mouse mishaps (my cats love walking in front of my screen and pressing buttons).

    Going back to the whole ''activating a T trap isn't KOSable", let's use the 67th way map. Let's say you and Josh go into the room next to the T room, you know the one with the bookshelves, couch, and TV. TimmonZ is outside that door and activates the T door right as Josh looks into that corner where the button should have been. You then shoot Josh for activating the T door. Is that fair? Would Josh be okay with that reasoning? It is pretty much the exact same scenario as with the pool trap, as the pool trap can be activated by someone from even inside the house there.

    Any time you call a KOS you are responsible for that person's fate. You are also responsible for every shot you make. Many times I've seen someone perform a traitorous act but did not make a KOS or announce my intentions, mainly for the element of surprise. Even if I die shortly after I kill a T, I realize everyone was justified in killing me because I made an attempt on someone else's life. This falls in like with Josh shooting at Mah- and getting shot by someone else for that very action. I don't always listen to verbal KOS so I probably would've done the same thing as TimmonZ.

    We could turn this right around at you and claim how the way you're acting in this very post is too negative and toxic for our community and that we don't want you around. Doesn't feel good does it? Again, please refrain from attacking players.

    If someone calls a KOS on a player you should follow that KOS first, and if that player isn't a T then you should kill whoever called the KOS as it was a false KOS. If any player feels the KOS was unjustified they can put in a report via !report and argue why they were killed, which is what Mah should have done if he/she didn't already.


    Josh shot Mah in front of everyone, thus everyone had a right to shoot at Josh, including TimmonZ.

    In regards to TimmonZ shooting other innos, without seeing the actual logs and discussing each occurrence with TimmonZ directly, I don't think we can come to a conclusion on that.

    YES Josh killed on suspicion as per our server rules and should have been slain.
    YES TimmonZ was justified in killing Josh given the situation.
    YES TimmonZ should show a bit more professionalism in his responses here.
    NO you may not go shooting every person that calls a KOS.
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