The Silencer - An Overhaul Suggestion

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Opalium, Jul 29, 2017.


What do you think about this idea?

  1. Great! The Silencer will be better now!

  2. Bad! It's only going to be worse now!

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  1. Mr. 7-Minute Wonder

    Mr. 7-Minute Wonder Regular Member

    I'm not reading through everyone's responses, but if it disorients as well would be nice. Like the UMP.
  2. Boomshakalaka

    Boomshakalaka VIP Bronze

    I think all of those perks combine will make it good.
  3. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    I think Supersonic works the best (maybe decrease mouse sensitivity too? idk how you'd go about coding that tho) [I'm honestly just thinking a more balanced version of Winter Houl when I imagine this in action] . Total Silence, like Jack pointed out, works very similarly as the disguiser according to our rules, and you the disguiser lasts the whole round with a toggle, so this item wouldn't be worth it in comparison.
  4. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    With the perks it could jam and slow down weapons, and disoreint so that effect is a plus over it.
  5. Inferno

    Inferno The Raging Inferno VIP

    Total Silence and Disruption seem like perfect options so help make this weapon viable. Good Job Opalium!
  6. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    Total Silence and Disruption look really cool to use.