Sticky The Faces of SGM v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Darktooth, May 19, 2015.

  1. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    sike that aint spookes
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  2. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

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  3. Mereduck

    Mereduck VIP

    Give me likes and ill post.
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  4. Azaelus

    Azaelus I want to break free VIP Silver Emerald

    When you're stuck in the Library at 10PM Sunday night going through government documentation.

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  5. Harry Potter

    Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived VIP Emerald Bronze

    No that's how he hosts the servers :D

    But here's a updated face pic
    of me
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  6. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    Those eyes :love:
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  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    @Steven , I didn't know you had a little brother?!
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  8. Harry Potter

    Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived VIP Emerald Bronze

    I can actually see it lol time for plastic surgery
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  9. Mereduck

    Mereduck VIP


    Be gentle.
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  10. Sir Clutch

    Sir Clutch they gonna talk bout me VIP

    You kinda look like Jeremy Renner
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  11. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    you've changed
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    pikacu is fat
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
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  13. I know. Blurry photo. Go easy. Also ignore my 8y/o child face. I shaved.

    Attached Files:

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  14. Fox

    Fox VIP

    Here you go guys. No clue why the quality is so god awful, but oh well.


    @BlueCore I have that dressed up picture you wanted, PM me if you still want it :eek:
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  15. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    In light of my 1 year anniversary of being an Admin that's about 4 days away I decided it's about time I did another update :LOL:

    ty Slicck for screenshot cause im dumb and forget to save pictures I wanna use later :woot:

    This is from about a month ago, please excuse terrible quality, my camera has almost had it with me :c
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  16. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

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  17. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

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  18. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

    This is the most recent photo of me. Sorry for the bad quality my mom took the picture with her camera.

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  19. BlueGalaxy

    BlueGalaxy VIP Emerald

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  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Someone got her headband that matches her 1 year outfit!
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