tfw there's a hole in your pants and the tip of your dick is hanging out but you only notice after uploading the picture to your PC
But it’s a picture of me.... and well two others I guess. Sure it’s a repost... but still of me and not just a shitpost.
(big fuckin photo) Spoiler: I am ethot. thigh pics 5 dollars (big fuckin photo) Spoiler: F uhhhhhh ok
U got sick hair +1 but -1 for the filter you aren't cowcakes. He's like the only one allowed to post filtered selfies. Goth Girl
This was on 4th of July I believe. I haven’t made much progress due to a lot of shit irl stuff the past 6 months but things are much better now so I’m back at it boiiiiis. Spoiler
I think it's time for an update. I'm 17, not 14. Spoiler: numero uno Spoiler: numero dos Yes the clock is reversed, it's a mirror-compatible clock.
petition to rename this thread to 226 pages of self deprecation also dude85632's post is proof that the gene pool is rigged
bro i just got the same headset because im broke and i needed a cheap $20 headset but its fucking squeezing my head so i bent out the metal now im good thank you for listening to my ted talk