Sir Lemoncakes is the traitor!

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Snak, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    Its been diferent since you got promoted Lemon.
  2. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    I am absolutely in love with this community. No matter what it is always in the best nature for any community to have discussion and argument especially about the people in the highest positions of authority.
  3. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Again, there was literally no form of harassment towards you whatsoever. Again, the decision did not make sense to you.
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    As someone who doesn't really watch porn (yes, people like me exist), I had no idea who this person was. I believe that Snak's picture was fine because it was not showing anything but her beautiful face, despite her being a famous porn star. A younger person who joins the server will most likely not know about this lady and will think it's just some picture of an attractive woman. An older person who joins the server may know who she is, but I do not think that it will tarnish the reputation of the server just because an admin has a G-rated picture of a porn star as their steam profile picture.

    That's my thoughts on it. I know Lemoncakes' job is to supervise admins and make sure they're acting in-line with the server guidelines. And the server guidelines say nothing about having a G-rated picture of an attractive female as one's steam profile picture. I didn't read all 10 pages to see if Highwon posted, but I think Lemoncakes is just trying to do his job. It's unfortunate that it has resulted in Snak's resignation, and if Highwon hasn't responded to this yet, I'd like to hear his side on the issue, because his opinion is the ultimate final decision.
  5. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    “If you love a flower, don’t pick it up.
    Because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love.
    So if you love a flower, let it be.
    Love is not about possession.
    Love is about appreciation.”

    ― Osho
    I think this may apply to you, Lemon.
  6. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    Too long didn't read. But from my understanding lemoncakes won't let me have my profile picture as "Jean-Claude Van Damme" because he too used to be a pornstar.

    Gay porn at that.

    That's low lemons, real low. He's one of my favorite action heroes.
  7. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    Too long didn't read. But from my understanding lemoncakes won't let me have my profile picture as "Jean-Claude Van Damme" because he too used to be a pornstar.

    Gay porn at that.

    That's low lemons, real low. He's one of my favorite action heroes.
  8. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    I do not wish to posses the flower,
    but rather tend and nurture,
    so that the flower can truly blossom.
  9. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    But remember, too much water is never a good thing.
  10. Snak

    Snak Banned

    I don't see why I should have been demoted for it because of his own personal opinion, no where in staff ettiquite does it says that the picture I had was against the rules, when I was told to read the staff rules I did and I followed every single rule yet I am the one that is punished for it because he can make up rules when ever he feels like it.
  11. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe VIP

    Lemoncakes, I enjoy you as a player and I do honestly believe you generally do a amazing job as Lead Admin. But in this situation, I have to say i think your wrong. Based on what you said earlier (The quote) You asked Snak to change his picture because you thought he was "promoting the porn industry" just by having a past professional as his picture. And that simmers down to you asking him to change his picture based on your opinion. The picture is by all means within the rules laid out.
  12. Ph4ntom

    Ph4ntom Serious Member

    First off, a certain staff member seems to be messing with all the comments, but this is all I'm getting from the moderator logs though, seems like I can't get any of the recent ones though
  13. Kythol

    Kythol ok Moderator VIP

    I personally believe this has gone too far. Over a PROFILE picture? It's crazy. Can we just come to a conclusion on this conversation and call it over and done?
  14. Jihad Joe

    Jihad Joe VIP

    Snak you said yourself that you were resigning in your original post.
  15. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Yes he would, as long it was not NSFW. As an admin you're supposed to be the role model, have everything perfect, and know what to do. Snak had a profile picture of a NSFW worker, so let's say Bob says "Hey it's Sasha Grey, she's a pornstar!" and then more stuff happens, and it could cause some people that shouldn't be to do a quick google search of her. He's preparing for the worst.
  16. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    You should know the deal 'round here.

    "I'm resigning" means "I got demoted"
  17. stormcreator

    stormcreator I am The Flying Wombat. Kythol is the bae. <3 VIP

    Lemon if you felt his picture was not appropriat, the best course of action might have been to post on the shrouded mod forums and get the opinions of others. This rather than enact your power in a situation that could have been solved much more fairly.
  18. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    As I said, I accidentally edited the posts...thought we covered this. lol He didn't get demoted. He actually resigned over this. I wouldn't have demoted over something this small at all!
  19. Snak

    Snak Banned

    I did resign as that was the choice I was given, either abid his illogical and insane rule or be demoted

    I did not want to resign but I will not follow such a absurd leader, untill I am told otherwise by Highwon I believe lemoncakes was in the wrong to even ask me such a absurd request.
  20. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Phantom you should of never posted that photo :/
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