Simply ACE report.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Carson, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Shades

    Shades VIP

    Play should be unbanned.
    As Magafe stated, He was shooting at someone = KOSABLE no matter what.

    In which case player shouldn't have been slain. Please listen to both sides of the story. Also the shot logs are not 100% accurate because they don't record everything.

    -1 Slay on his record
  2. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    I wasn't just shooing at someone, I was shooting at the guy that was shooting at him :/
  3. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    Still. You are shooting at someone. Its the same situation as killing someone who was shooting a t.
  4. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Locking topic.
    Issue resolved.
    Ace has been warned, according to another report.
  5. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    Simply Ace will be reprimanded and given a warning due to his poor decisions. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
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