Ya'll shouldn't be suprised I'm saying something from them lol. I honestly can rarely listen to this song. I have severe issues with my abusive mother and a lot of hurt feelings. (mommy issues, basically) this song just...gets me. And the sorrow you hear from the voice and guitars just hits a spot in me. Can't listen without crying lol
some low tier sadboy songs being posted here probably the saddest album of all time if you know the back story
The saddest song I know is not a song, but rather, a piece of music. (A song is sung, a piece is played (on an instrument.)) With Every Winter's Breath is a piece of music composed by Randall Standridge, in memory of Maddie Milner, who was a trumpet player at Bayfield CO High school and had died in a skiiing accident in her freshman year. It is a bit harder to appreciate and acknowledge the sadness of this piece if you are not familiar with concert band music, but nonetheless I will post it for those who do want to listen.
I'd like to see you beat this. Seriously though, this is beautiful but very sad if something happened.