Reporting Mango Tango, Newo and Cupcake Mayhem

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by The_Ballerina, Oct 13, 2013.

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  1. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    AngelX, you provided no facts relevant to this discussion. Your input was entirely pointless and was just provided to get a rise out of me. I appreciate that you are going to stop posting here. If you do post again, I will ignore it. Good bye.
  2. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    I am going to repost this here so that anyone who comes to read the discussion just by looking at the last post will understand the current status of the conversation after AngelX's attempt to divert it.

    "Also it has already been established that the false KOSes are not false since they are being called on a false KOSer. The KOSes are therefore legitimate."

    Nobody has been able to provide a logical argument that disproves this fact. Thus making my slays and ban wrongful. Which establishes mod abuse.
  3. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Your actions are considered RDM. The first time you call that false KOS, it is considered rdm since you haven't done anything traitorous up to that point. Now the kos after that might seem okay to you but you can't justify that first KOS. Due to that it will be considered RDM and you will be punished accordingly.
  4. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    I believe that you have misunderstood entirely.

    You've separated the KOSes. But they are the same KOS.

    That "first KOS" is the same as any other afterward.

    The moment I start speaking that first KOS, it is a traitorous act. But since THAT KOS is against a traitorous innocent, it is legitimate.

    "KOS The Ballerina" is both traitorous and true. But ultimately legit since carrying out the KOS is following the rules.
  5. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    If you want to group them into the same KOS then they're all considered RDM. Please explain to me how the first KOS is not RDM.
  6. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned


    Calling a KOS on a person doing a traitorous act is NOT RDM.

    It cannot be considered RDM since the KOS is for an individual that is doing a traitorous act.

    The KOS is calling for the death of a person doing a traitorous act.
  7. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    But you hadn't done anything traitorous. After you call that first KOS, then you did something traitorous.
  8. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    But the act of calling that KOS is traitorous.

    It's not a question of after calling that KOS. It IS that KOS.

    THAT KOS is being called because it is itself, false. But because it targets the false KOSer making it legit.
  9. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    In all honesty, this is the simplest diplomatic solution:

    - Make it an official rule that calling KOS on yourself is not allowed.
    - I will happily abide by that rule. Because after all, it is your server. You make the rules.

    - Remove the ban on me since I am being punished for a rule that did not exist previously.

    - We all live happily ever after.
  10. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Okay, I'll tell you what I'll do. After trying to explain this to you and your constant disagreement I'm going to give you one more chance.

    Take time to think about this next question before answering it because your future here at this community depends on it.

    Round starts: 0ms
    You turn on your mic: 2ms
    K: 4ms
    O: 5ms
    S: 6ms
    B: 7ms
    AH: 8ms
    LL: 9ms
    E: 10ms
    RI: 11ms
    NAH: 13ms
    Mic off: 15ms

    Now really really think about this and tell me at what point in time you think that KOS becomes legitimate. If you get this question wrong then I suggest you go to another community that you feel understands your reasoning on this.
  11. The_Ballerina

    The_Ballerina Banned

    Oh! Intimidation! I like that!

    Also since you're stating that the answer can be wrong; that means you already have a right answer in your head. That is, any answer I give will be wrong in your head since you're trying to intimidate me.

    That KOS is legitimate the moment that K is pronounced.

    Because it is against an individual giving a false KOS.

    EDIT: I'd also love to know the right answer if there is one too. Just in case I got it wrong.
  12. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Nope. Wrong answer. When you say the K it hasnt been done yet. I can run around screaming K on my mic without being traitorous (however I might be breaking mic spamming rule).

    So with that said, I am going to suggest you go to a different community as we are having a conflict of interest. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes you or any other player of our community. This situation is now resolved and the topic will be locked.
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