Invalid Report against Woet

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by -Vader-, Sep 28, 2019.

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  1. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    You think a person would put this much time in replying and appealing a slay? I am actually getting very tilted here. I will run my shadowplay at all times now, for hours. Just to catch Chad in action of breaking a rule. Every little mistake he makes, if he kills someone in a traitor room and doesn't kill others, I want the same fair judgement on this. If that is what it comes to, so be it. If you want to attack me and talk about loopholes, I will just target him with my shadowplay, and report everything about him, every LITTLE detail.
  2. Noccam :^)

    Noccam :^) Regular Member

    Thats called targeting
  3. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    Next you will tell me that you gave him a warning about camping as a HIDDEN, not for just a minute, but for about 5 minutes straight. Next map, you are going to say I targeted him for camping, am I right? Are you making rules as you go, or are you playing by loopholes as well? Trying to find every little thing to slay me. For what? Just because he is a VIP, and probably played here more? Do you not care that much about your playerbase? Is he the only one that matters?
  4. Woet

    Woet ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ VIP

    Killing one person for entering a T room and then telling another to test without enforcing it with a KOS or kill are very different actions for the same thing.

    I don't have to warn slays. I never gave Chad any warnings for camping. The rule is mentioned in the extended rules.

    I never claimed you were chilling with Monkey. I said he was still in the T room 30 seconds later, and you never shot at him or called a KOS on him, unlike what you did on Chad.

    Here is the entire death scene file:

    You can render it using this workshop item:

    I think I've provided enough evidence and answered plenty of your questions, I won't indulge you any further.

    An admin (most likely @Lordyhgm) will get back to you.
  5. I actually won't deny this, however you're missing circumstance. First of all the hidden is not some hack and slash where the hidden is supposed to kill as fast as possible, that would be reapers. I don't blame you for not playing THE actual hidden b/c its an old as hell game, but to summarize the hidden is meant to be a calculated killer, pick off people. The only reason why our server doesn't have these games is b/c most of the time the hidden has an easy win or they get caught in the camping traps that people set i.e. the trap you guys set it in the nether. The threat of delay got you all moving and no longer butt buddies so I was easily able to pick you off and win the game *note I was 23 health during the "delay" process. I get delaying when its 1v15 but it was a 1v5 and as I proved, a winnable 1v5, but please go on try to find every nook and cranny you can try to get me in b/c it's easy to report you b/c any time you do something remotely rdm-esq it's an easy targeting slay/kick/ban.

    I don't need your help in this, but he's right y'know

    Funny you say that b/c it IS in the rules *psst its called extended rules
  6. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    No Chad, you said you will camp. You literally waited there, not even coming into the nether. I don't want to hear more lies from you. Begone. We didn't move anywhere. Also buttbuddies? There were random people there. You didn't even attempt to come after us for FIVE minutes. If you want me to delay like that as a traitor as well, so be it, I will follow your footsteps, because you know what is right or wrong. I will take time to pick off players one by one, and take as much time as needed. Thank you for providing guidance.
    Wait, its called targeting for running shadowplay all day long? I am catching a rule breaking here.
  7. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    I am done replying here, you guys are literally putting fucking spaghetti over my ears. Close the thread, be over it. Now I know how to play the game, thanks to Chad. To me, it seems whatever happened in the past, is haunting me now. Now Chad has leverage over me by saying I did this, and that. Then everyone and their mother brings the thread from being closed. "Based on this, you targeted Chad, now you can't kill Chad at all. As the last innocent alive, you have to suicide, and let him win." This is what it seems its coming to.
  8. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    But you know what? I am glad this thread exists, now I can use this as leverage over him, when this exact moment happens. I thank all of you.
  9. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    Ayo, just posting to say I've seen this and shall be investigating
  10. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

  11. yah after you said fuck you chad

    I am sorry for what I did yesterday. Firstly you really hurt me by the things you said. I could apologise for days on end but it may not eliminate your thought that I do not respect you. I know that my actions upset you tremendously and may have even hurt you and for that I am truly apologetic. I know you deserve to be treated with respect, love and care...I want you to know that I truly do respect, love and care for you and I am hoping that with this you will forgive my conduct and realise how much you mean to me. ............I love you.
  12. -Vader-

    -Vader- VIP

    After I said it? You mean, after you said that, I said, "Fuck you chad"? Great story you got cooking in here.... love you too....
  13. Lordyhgm

    Lordyhgm Spiteful smells Lead Admin VIP

    So let's wrap this up before it escalates into some passive-aggressive contest.

    To put this simply, Woet saw a potentially toxic kill, took it to the admins online and they gave the discretion to add a slay to you. Kythol has already given his reasoning for this and I find it to be sound given your recent behaviour. Woet acted accordingly throughout, following the guidelines for moderators and behaving appropriately. The evidence provided shows that the pretext to the discretion request was correct.

    On another note, warning to both of you to stick clear of each other if you can't get along.


    If you have anything further to add you can talk to me here
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