Invalid Report against Vorlass

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Apherix, May 1, 2015.

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  1. Apherix

    Apherix VIP

    And I chose not to kill you and you did. You had no honest suspicion to kill me for any reason. You should have taken me not shooting you as a sign that I was innocent. I've gotten slayed for killing an innocent right after they killed a traitor before so I'm not taking GBA as an answer. So that 5 second rule won't cut it either.
  2. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    Wether you "decide" that these rules aren't cutting it, they are the rules that have been established on the servers. In this case it is currently a Word vs Word situation, nothing is going to come out of it unless you are able to provide more evidence such as a video. As has been stated, from Vorlass' point of view you had just witnessed someone commiting a traitorus act and did nothing, putting you under GBA. This is perfect grounds to kill someone by the rules established on the servers, you arguing over them not being right or needing to be changed does not and will not change this fact.
  3. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    This is more of an argument more than a report on a staff member. Thread Locked until @Finn responds to this report on his moderator. If you wish to continue this then start a conversation on the forums
  4. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Wierd side note, I had a dream about this like a year ago when I was first moderating. I often get wierd, really random, hyper-realistic dreams that come true, but they always suck and have nothing prevalent to really anything important in the grand scheme of things. Lamest superpower ever.


    Understanding that rules of GBA, or Guilt by Association, is that a traitorous act was committed around you and you either A. did nothing or B. purposefully ignored it, or C. All of the Above, you waiting for a T-act to stop and then coming back to the scene of a crime just in time for Vorlass to kill you does not excuse you from being killed. AFK players are similarly still responsible for traitorous acts that occur around them, mainly because if a T commits a T-act near and AFK and does take the opportunity to kill them, we can assume they are traitors.

    In this case you were innocent, but the rules still apply because you had clear vision of a T-act and did not pursue it any further. Honestly I find it funny that you waited to ID a body on fire, since you can't ID it once it is on fire. Kind of silly really, and that's why Vorlass killed you. You basically had no reason to wait and had committed GBA by watching that body burn and not pursue the traitor, at least in his mind.

    Did he have to kill you? No. Would I have killed you? Pretty much 100% of the time, yes. You have to understand his perspective, you could see a T-act, he knows that you can't id dead bodies on fire so there is no reason to wait for it to stop burning, and he was killing a traitor that you didn't pursue nor help kill. Seems pretty guilty to me.

    Special Note: That you @MrEvanJ | SP for locking this, I generally don't like when people comment on my moderators reports unless they are directly involved or, well, me. Or higher. Just adds more confusion and clutter.

    I hope this satisfies your report as this will be the last post on it. @Shay LaCroix feel free to PM if you want a more indepth explanation, though I pretty much nailed it, if I do say so myself.

    Report Invalid.
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