Invalid Report against Trustworty Terrorist / Knockdown / Miggo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Linux, May 16, 2016.

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  1. Linux

    Linux VIP

    Im well aware that you can view the RDM manager but the evidence shows that TT reported, investigated and slayed unless you can prove otherwise of course.
  2. Linux

    Linux VIP

    This was why I reported you for gross negligence, you are now saying you had no input on the matter but previously you said you done an investigation yourself.

    "So based on the report and damageinfo I could not say this report was invalid. I did ask @TrustworthyTerrorist to make sure. He told me that this was a valid report and that he didn't shoot at all.
    I trust @TrustworthyTerrorist that he did they right thing."

    This implies that you agreed with TT without checking the shoot logs.


    TT reported you, yes, because he was the victim in the report. That should not come off as a surprise. And the report WAS investigated by me, proven by the text saying ''In progress by MiGGo'' next to the report (when a moderator sets the report in progress, both the Victim and Reported Player get a message in chat saying I am investigating their report). After investigating the report I gave my verdict in the Admin Chat and an available moderator did what had to be done. In this case it was TT, because he was the moderator who was the most available in that moment. It should not matter who gives out the slay if the investigation was done by an unbiased party.

    I think at this point everything has been said about the report that should be said and I'll be leaving it to the Admins to decide.
  4. Knockdown

    Knockdown The reason you can't sleep VIP

    Read my first message here. During this time I was doing stuff on the forums. Afther I jumped back in the game (One round later) I noticed what you where saying.
    I took my time to check the logs. And I did not negligence your report. Here is what i found.

    I did investigated right afhter i came back and read you messages. I Will leave this to @C.A.Anna
  5. Linux

    Linux VIP

    You are mistaken the message of investigation is only delivered to the person who starts the report, therefore without proof I can not accept that you investigated the report.
  6. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Thread is locked until an admin can make their verdict on the accused.
  7. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Hey @Linux

    Thank you again for taking your time to submit a report on my moderator. Regardless of the verdict of this report, it will be a great learning experience for all parties involved. I see there was a short discussion through this thread to which you came to an understanding that trustworthy didn't shoot as you said here.

    So from what I can gather, I have a feeling you were subject to one of the various bugs on Garys mod that goes by the alias of muzzle flash. This bug is extremely annoying and can cause a lot of confusion. This bug gives the impression that a player shot, and you could swear to it, but it never happened in reality. The only way to disprove this is via the logs as shown above. So I can understand why you feel you're absolutely sure that he shot, however, this isn't the case.

    So for the case as it is, the report is invalid. The slay issued on you was correct as Trustworthy didn't shoot. You may be saying you're a victim in this but in any other situation think about the player you just killed for no reason. Moderators must always act on what the logs show them, so if there is no shot shown, a slay will be issued.

    To expand on this, I agree that trustworthy should not be investigating his own report if another staff member is online however this isn't something that will be acted on as Miggo provided a screenshot shown here which confirms he was the one investigating the report. The issuer of the slay isn't relevant because a trial mod was on during the period. If Miggo determined that the report was valid the moderator would slay, even if it's a report against himself.

    From what I understand, Knockdown wasn't aware of the report until much later in the game which meant he couldn't get the correct information as reports reset at map change. This wouldn't have changed the outcome of the report though as the information provided here shows that everything was acted on correctly.

    I'll leave the rest of the report up to @C.A.Anna
  8. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP


    Thank you for taking the time to report my moderator here on the forums. We take all claims of abuse seriously as we want the best for our servers. Now, I do apologise for the delay in my response. You posted this when I was asleep and then I had work all day so I was unable to take the time to reply until now.

    As almost everything has been touched on already, I will save you the time of repeating things that are unnecessary and are irrelevant to my moderator as it is merely redundant at this point. Now you have reported @Knockdown for "gross negligence" and for this I have found the report invalid. The report itself was investigated by a Trial Mod. They would have provided the verdict to the mods at hand. These Moderators dish out punishment with @MiGGo being the primary instigator as that is the whole point of trial. As he reviewed the report, it does not really matter who dealt the final punishment as it was up to Miggo if the punishment was to be dealt or not in the first place. The final verdict of the report filed saw you slain and for good reason. With all the evidence; shoots, damage infos and the report it is clear to see that @TrustworthyTerrorist did indeed not shoot and you RDMed him. Muzzle flash and the likes has been explained and although it is an unfortunate event players must still be slain for glitches such as these are already stated by @Ravin.

    Now Knockdown never neglected the report. It was being taken care of by someone else. Mods are not expected to look into other reports that have already been claimed by other staff members. It is nice to look at them all and since knockdown has provided evidence it is clear that he did indeed investigate it himself afterwards anyway but it is not a requirement. He did not allow unfair treatment to take place as all treatment that did occur was warranted. You RDMed. You were punished. Knockdown was correct in allowing for the slay to go forth. If he did not, then he would be guilty of negligence but in this case he was not.

    I should also add that he used the best and most accurate tools available to investigate your report. Damage info's give the most accurate tellings of events that take place 10 seconds before a specific point in time and the damage logs themselves also support the fact Trustworthy didn't damage anyone. Shoots are actually extremely inaccurate and can be a pain for anything longer than 30 seconds into a round. They are more often than not messy and a lot of the time the times don't match up correctly so for him to have not seen them a the time because when he noticed your disgruntled state it was too late to see the shoots for that round, is irrelevant as he instead used the more accurate methods to determine the final verdict of your report.

    He did anything but be neglectful.

    I hope that this is all cleared up for you now. If you have any more questions you are more than welcome to PM me here on the forums and we can discuss it there.

    Overall the report has been deemed invalid for all parties and will be marked so.

    Thank you for your time and take care,

    Report: Invalid
    Thread: Locked
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