Completed Report against Thatoneguy2276 Zigfee poppafignewton

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by bamohame2, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm going to lock this as this is going nowhere. Let's wait for @Graze 's verdict on this report. If you have any evidence, message Graze the evidence.
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    I'd like to start this off with a few statements. First of all is that the use of the N word with the -er ending is not acceptable for use while on our servers and will always be met with punishment. Secondly I would like to state that use of any variant of the N word such "Niger, Niga, Niggr" in a way to harass someone or mimic the meaning of the N word is also not acceptable will also be met with punishment as well.

    To specify on why the term "Nigga" is allowed under some situations you are free to visit and read the following threads for context: 1 2

    I have a demo that I can upload if need be of my time on the servers, but I can quickly summarize the demo as both me being alive during key moments that you guys came to me about through dead chat, and a lack of providing evidence regarding the situation from either party.

    However, the evidence that I have is enough to show that there was a large amount of racial group trolling going on at the latter part of my demo in which I have a few players figured out. The mere change of a players name from "poppafignewton" to "Bamohame_more_like_BANHIMPLZ" is enough to show me that there is a line that was crossed. I have used the voice clip provided by Banohime, my own demo, and evidence provided to me from other sources to come to a proper punishment for this and I thank you for your time and patience regarding this report, and I will be placing down a few bans when I get on next time.

    If anyone is confused or has questions regarding this report please open up a conversation with me over the forums. Cheers!

    Report Valid
    Thread Locked
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