Invalid Report against Report against Rice

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Zach, Mar 26, 2015.

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  1. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    I'd like to take a moment to point out that being a VIP player does NOT entitle you to a different rule set or any kind of special treatment from the staff. You are still a player on our servers and you are expected to act appropriately, and from the details of the report I've seen so far, you were not acting in an appropriate manner. Rice was within his rights to issue a ban.
  2. Zach

    Zach VIP

    What details of the report? You weren't there, yet again. And my issue was that I spend money to help this server stay alive, I would expect to be treated with some kind of respect. I still have to follow the rules, but being disrespected by a moderator is just ridiculous. I don't expect special treatment, just for the staff to not be complete jerks.
  3. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Evidence has been presented, and witnesses have made their claims, and it was certainly not in your favor. Were I present, I would've acted no differently than Rice. Your actions and attitude were disruptive, and it sounds like they were rather inconsiderate of others as well. Now, that said, you can still expect to be treated with courtesy and decency, but respect is earned, you don't buy it. If you want to be respected, show respect not just to us, but to our players. Your lack of respect for others and their wishes is what caused your ban in the first place.
  4. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    Locked until @Toxin can wrap this up real nice.
  5. @Zach
    You do not fight fire with fire. If you are being harassed or witness harassment don't try to deal with it on your own, instead notify a staff member and let them handle the situation. No staff member? Then report them on the forums with screenshots/evidence.
    What good will it do to harass them back? You say it's an argument when it's just a couple of people badmouthing each other for...what reason, again? Defending? Simply ignore the player and move on, be the better man, don't fight with fire, there is absolutely no point in going down that path.

    You also basically admitted to harassing other players, and Rice did follow the protocol for harassment. Just because no one speaks up about it does not mean that they are comfortable with it. We're playing a game for mainly for enjoyment, we don't want to hear two people "argue" over which insult is better.

    Therefore, the report against Rice has been DENIED.
    P.S. Just because you donated money to this server does not grant you some special treatment. You CHOSE to donate to the server on your own free will, no one asked you. While we appreciate the donation, no one receives special treatment. Not even staff members. Don't believe me? Check this out: Ex-Lead Admin Ban Appeal
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