Invalid Report against Rambo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Makaveli, Apr 28, 2015.

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  1. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hey Makaveli,

    I hope you have a nice evening/morning or whatever it is.

    After reading both side of stories and checking the logs, there were 5 Traitors and 1 Detective left, then you told the detective that he's the last innocent left, which made him kill 4 of your t buddies ( including cthuluhoop ) , but as she've mentioned, she was called out already so you made 3 of your t buddies died by telling the detective that he is the last innocent and the remain living people are all Traitors.

    Since your action leads to 3 of your T buddies die so what Rambo did is correct because you called your T buddies out and made them die, it is similar to calling a false kos on your t buddies, next time if you want to tell the last innocent that they're the last innocent alive, you might wanna ask your T buddies first and have all of them to agree it , otherwise it will be considered as RDM.

    I hope you can understand, the ban will not be appealed and this report will be deemed as invalid.

    Please notice that this is a local ban and you're welcome to join our other 4 servers !

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