Completed Report against Pan

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Broski Joe, May 2, 2020.

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  1. General Retard

    General Retard New Member

    Nothing was done but I did ask him later if saying porn subreddits follows under the porn umbrella and at first he said yes but I should prolly check with Jabba
  2. Hugh Janus

    Hugh Janus New Member

    This is his youtube channel lmao: (
    I found it because he filmed me because he reported me for mic spam.
    He's clearly a man pretending to be a girl which is really annoying and he's acting like a saint and annoys the hell out of people and he's just asking for it. He's even singing on the mic with his girl voice.
    And if you click the Steam link on his youtube account, You can see that it redirects on his Steam account so yeah
    Last edited: May 9, 2020
  3. Frost

    Frost Frosted Pun King VIP

    Thanks for taking your time to report this player.

    After discussion with an admin, we have decided to accept this report and global ban Pan for 4 weeks for his toxic behavior and advertising pornographic content.

    Thank you all who have submitted evidence to the report as well.

    Report is valid
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