Invalid Report against ooo and eeeee (if i can find the steam id of eeeee)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by, Dec 27, 2019.

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  1. Now you just somebody that I used to know VIP Silver

    Thanks for the clarification
  2. Racerboy

    Racerboy VIP

    Sorry but what 10 shots did you miss? You're using a scout... how does it even make any logical sense to eliminate where a moving object could "possibly" be by shooting 10 different locations? I don't even know what you're saying, it makes such little sense. The 2nd hidden had just shown up and peeked you once.
  3. DarkShiny

    DarkShiny Just guilty me NOW, boi VIP Silver

    Sounds kinda mad to me
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    There seems to be no evidence coming forward so I am locking this. PM me if you have further evidence

    Report: INVALID
    Thread: LOCKED
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