Invalid Report against Guilty, Rozboon

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Mar 23, 2017.

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  1. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    So earlier while we were playing on East 1, you notified me of @Rozboon harassing you with a pm. So I asked you to upload a screenshot of it (which was the first image) and seeing that, I immediately chose to actually message @Rozboon to avoid instigating you at the time. However, the next consecutive image that you sent me wasn't really even classified as harassment as he isn't really targeting you whatsoever. However, considering the situation, I decided to speak with him either way to tell him to cut it out. Below will include the screenshots of the situations I speak of.

    Here's the second image that you sent me as well that you didn't add to the report.
    --> (Hit the 20 image limit per post)

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As far as me ignoring message spam, I never see much of a reason to ever punish for spamming binds preround. And just a note, I wasn't fully loaded in to the map when that event happened. If their spam had continued into the actual round, then I would have taken the proper protocol to deal with spam.

    As for the third post, I never implied that you were loopholing. I was asking you about the unid body because you never gave a specific name of a player. I was simply asking you which unid body as there were quite a few bodies around the area at the time. I asked you the name in order to get a faster resolution to the situation between you and Rozboon. Below involves the continuation with my pms to you to which you accused me of referring to loopholing history even when I did not do anything of the sort. If you felt that way, then I apologize about that, but I had no intention to refer to a loopholing history.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    As far as the warning I gave on SB goes, @POP STAR and I were in a teamspeak channel with a few admins when we were discussing you and Rozboon's actions on shoutbox. Which is why POP STAR and I gave out our respective warnings. Not because it was focused on targeting, but because we wanted to stop the already excessive drama in shoutbox from escalating any further than it already had.

    I'll be leaving the rest of the situation to @Sith Master to resolve whenever he's free.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  2. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Hello @Python~

    After carefully reviewing both sides and the evidence provided, I will be marking this report against Guilty and Rozboon invalid.
    My moderator's actions were correct in issuing a warning to Rozboon due to the first offense of harassment, however the second instance was not sufficient evidence to warrant a kick.
    I do not have much to say regarding the instance of multiple messages in chat. Given the screenshots provided by both parties, Guilty was clearly talking to Rozboon and dealing with the situation that had arose. While this player did spam chat with a bind in pre-round, Guilty was understandably focused on you and Rozboon.
    I also do not consider Rozboon's actions to warrant a loopholing ban, if the aforementioned situation was found to be RDM, a simple slay would have been issued. Given the limited evidence provided, we do not have 100% certainty that Rozboon did not see the grenade being thrown.
    While Rozboon's comments in shoutbox could be considered instigating, I see no instances of harassment in which he directed any slurs or derogatory language towards you.
    I do not find the actions of Guilty or Rozboon significantly incorrect enough to warrant a completed report.

    Python, as you have been in this community for many years, you should be very familiar with the seriousness and professionalism which we expect in reports. This idea is particularly true in regards to reports against staff members.
    Your behavior in shoutbox illustrates that this report was not filed solemnly, but with the intent of trolling.

    This particular report is riddled with incorrect spelling along with improper grammar and syntax. If you want future reports to be taken seriously, I would recommend that you use a basic level of English and correct sentence structure.
    If you have any questions or comments regarding this appeal, please use professional language when inboxing me over the forums. Have a good night.

    Report: Invalid
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