Completed Report against Gazzy

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Deoxy, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. Nevermore

    Nevermore Supporter

    This is just pathetic who did he call "nigga"? is nigga even harrasment?? You are a mod you should know the rules there is no "YOU CANT SAY NIGGA OR ELSE ADMIN BAN YOU" written in the !motd
  2. Deoxy

    Deoxy VIP

    This proves my point, you never gave me a warning and even shows the moment of the the guy asking me to sing.
  3. Deoxy

    Deoxy VIP

    Maybe you should learn the definition fo harrasment before you start using big words
  4. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

  5. Deoxy

    Deoxy VIP

    Why do I now have a 5 day ban globally?
  6. Nevermore

    Nevermore Supporter

    • Please provide useful information / evidences if you're a witness. Keep this information to your own report.
    I have it aswell wtf is this
  7. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    I've read through this report and watched a fair amount of the (2 hour...) video provided by Gazzy. Turns out Gazzy definitely didn't follow proper protocol when issuing the original kick on you as you had not been warned for harassment beforehand.

    Furthermore, simply singing lyrics to a song would not qualify as harassment (although it could become spam at some point so I won't advise to do it). Harassment must have a target, and in this case it definitely did not. Unless I'm missing some key evidence here, I'd have to say that your kick was unjustified on two fronts.

    I will have a discussion with Gazzy's admin regarding this report and we will decide if there will be any further actions that need to be taken here. For now you will be unbanned and your ban will be voided as it seems that Gazzy was in the wrong here. That may change if further evidence is brought forward that would change my verdict.

    Thanks for reporting. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums.

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