Invalid Report against Falcor

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by xXShockXx, Aug 29, 2015.

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  1. Falcor you threatened to ban how are you going to deny that?
  2. You are all seeming to blame me based on logs and not on the reports, i said in my report that i was shot at and nobody cared. Falcor slayed me for shooting someone who was shooting at me and nobody seems to have record of that? Can someone please tell me why that would even be remotely possible seeing as that is what happened.
  3. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Please refrain from double posting.

    As Mango stated above, please provide proof of these claims. Failure to do so can result in the report being deemed invalid once @BlueCore reviews it for lack of evidence.

    If you do not have the proof, please refrain from posting as it can cause this thread to be locked.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Please keep on topic or else this report will be locked.
  5. xXShockXx

    xXShockXx VIP

    Goodness. Lots of stuff to read. It's like reading my summer reading all over again. Thanks Falcor and God's Prayer for the well written and detailed replies. Thank you both for being honest.
    Falcor - No further comment is needed as I do see your points. Although I do think you could've done a better job tonight as a whole I understand it from your point of view now. The only thing I will disagree with is that I was screaming in the mic. I don't know if I couldn't hear parts of what you said or if you were even talking to me now that I see it from your side. Sorry and I hope you have a great night.
    God's - Your post is mostly directed to Billy and I definitely agree now that Billy did act out of line. I was unable to see some of the messages you provided as most of my time tonight has been on here instead of looking at messages after everything happened.

    *TLDR - This post can be closed as I do not think it needs to go any further as my witness obviously didn't share all he said with me. Thank you all for your patience through this.
  6. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Billy to answer your question, as you can see you shot at 00:00 and no one else was shooting. You can not be baited in pre round, since the round has not started.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Post closed at OP''s request.

    Blue Core will be here to clean things up, shortly.
  8. Good night all, whatever happened happened. I feel this is unfair but if the logs say otherwise i understand you will take logs words over mine. Im out
  9. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello xXShockXx and Billy Mays Here!,

    I would firstly like to thank you xXShockXx for taking the time to file this Report against my Moderator, Falcor. I am her Administrator and will now go over each side of the story, investigate in detail all the evidence presented here, and decide on the verdict of the Report. By your latest post xXShockXx, it seems that over the discussion taken place in this thread, you've changed your mind about the original Report, and can understand why Falcor took the actions she took. I will still, however, look through this Report thoroughly in case there is something I do need to approach Falcor about, and to make sure she handled the situation to the best of her abilities. Billy Mays Here!, I would also like to thank you for your responses and patience through this Report process. I apologise if you feel that you were slain incorrectly, and if you felt abused by my Moderator during this incident that occurred earlier in the day. Lastly, before going into the bulk of this post, I would like to thank each of the other contributors to this Report, for providing their side of the story and any evidence that they acquired during the events that took place today.

    In this first imagine provided by Falcor, there was a Report filed against you xXShockXx. This Report was filed against you because you killed Funky for what appeared to be for no reason; which he wrote "Really? You rdm me because i "dont know the game"". Soon after the Report was filed, you responded to it with "I rdm you because you've rdmd my friends and I countless times without being slain one.". Judging by what you wrote in your response, you openly admit to killing Funky on the grounds that they were not slain for RDMing yourself and your friends from earlier rounds. I firstly would like to thank you again for being honest as to why you killed this player, rather than try to make up an excuse or lie. However, this kill was not with valid reason, as the only reason you decided to kill him was because you were seeking revenge. A Revenge RDM is a serious offence, and is not one that we take lightly here. Despite how much you may want to, or how frustrated you get, you should never purposely try to find and kill someone for this reason. I'm sure you can understand that because of this, Falcor not only had the right to slay you, but according to protocols, to do her job correctly she would have needed to issue you punishment for the Revenge RDM. Before continuing on, I would like to say that if the Victim of your RDM, Funky, did indeed commit one or more offences of RDM prior, Falcor would have issued to them the correct punishment. If Falcor did not issue them any punishment, I am to believe that they in fact did not RDM, and instead had valid reason to damage or kill any number of players they may have damaged and killed.

    I would like to now go over the incident with Billy Mays Here!'s double Slay, and investigate why Falcor decided to issue you with two Slays over a single, or any. By the evidence posted by Falcor, and the witness that can attest to her actions, Falcor Slayed you twice on the grounds of damaging two players; the first being an Innocent player by the name of Lv' Zephyrean, and the other a Traitor by the name of Marth. As you have mentioned Billy Mays Here!, you claimed to have shot and killed the Traitor Marth on the grounds that they had shot at you first. Shooting and damaging someone for shooting you; other than the Detective of course, is completely acceptable and would be a valid kill. However, as you can see by the Damage Logs provided by Falcor, Marth, the Traitor you claimed to have shot at you first, did not fire a single bullet prior to you shooting, or at any time during your shooting and when you killed them. I am sure that you meant no harm, and I believe your statement to be true that Marth did fire at you first. However, I'm afraid that Marth may have fired at your during Pre-Round. Firing at a player during Pre-Round is fine as they cannot take damage from other players, and as such cannot be harmed by another player's bullets when firing. The reason I believe that Marth could have fired at you during the Pre-Round stage is because the first bullet you fired at Marth was shot exactly at 0 seconds into the round; this can be seen in the Damage Logs and Shot Logs as the timecode was currently at 00:00 when you fired. This suggests to me that you thought the Round had started several seconds before it actually did, and so when you thought Marth was shooting at your during the Round, he was in fact only shooting you before the Round had started. As such, this incident would unfortunately be a case of RDM, as your claim for killing the Victim was something that never happened during the Round. As for the reason you were Slain for two rounds instead of one, this was because whilst trying to kill Marth you also damaged the Innocent player Lv' Zephyrean. In normal circumstance, you would have not be Slain for damaging Lv' Zephyrean as it appears that you originally damaged them accidentally due to cross-fire. We do not Slay for cross-fire here at SGM, as we understand that players can regrettably get in our firing lines and can easily be damaged as a result. Sadly, however, this only applies when the original target is being shot at for a valid reason. Because the original target Marth was not shot for a valid reason; and as such was RDM, the cross-fire rule does not apply in this situation. Therefore, both of these incidents can be classified as RDM. As such, Falcor gave the correct punishment in issuing you two Slays over one.

    As Falcor has already mentioned, she could not Unban your friend as she was not the original Banner. Moderators; or any Staff for that matter, cannot Unban players who have been Banned by other Staff members, regardless of the situation. As Falcor was not the one who issued the Ban on your friend, Falcor cannot take action to Unban them. Falcor handled the situation with you perfectly when she told you to direct your friend to make an Appeal on the forums, so that the Moderator who did Ban your friend could investigate the Appeal and organise between them if they would be Unbanned.

    In the terms of Falcor threatening Bans to players on the server, given the stories and testimonies presented in this thread, I have no choice but to favour the side that claims Falcor did not voice this statement, and was acting appropriately in the situation. Falcor has admitted that once during one of the Rounds she did warn the server of two players that were Mass RDMing and stating to them that they would be Banned. In no other incident did Falcor abuse her powers or authority by stating she would Ban players for one or more invalid reasons. Given the lack of evidence on this part, I cannot take any actions against Falcor. But by her word, and the word of not only other Staff members, but by regular players, I can only assume that she did not commit the alleged incidents.

    In conclusion, I believe that Falcor took the appropriate actions and issued the correct punishments on all the events that took place earlier today. Not once were her given Slays out of line, and she had valid reason to issue each one of them. Given all the evidence provided, and after hearing the testimonies of xXShockXx, Bill Mays Here!, Sickle, Lone Wanderer, Falcor, and Gods_Prayer, I have found this Report against my Moderator Falcor to be Invalid.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to write this Report. I hope this helps clear everything up, and that we can use this to all of our benefits. I hope you can continue to enjoy your time here on our servers xXShockXx. If you would like to talk about any of this, please feel free to privately message me here on the Forums.

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