Invalid Report against CripplingDepression

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Joseph_Jostar, Aug 8, 2016.

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  1. Joseph_Jostar

    Joseph_Jostar New Member

    Can someone please review this!
  2. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Please be patient as the Leads and Highwon are the only ones who are able to take any action on such an act. With Highwon being busy a lot of the time and the leads having other things that they are doing, they are not able to spend 100% of their time on the forums.
  3. Joseph_Jostar

    Joseph_Jostar New Member

    Can an admin please loo at this.
  4. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    At the moment, two of our leads are out of town and will not be able to answer any of the reports here. I will lock this until the Lead Admins are able to reply and can come to an answer. Until then, be patient.
  5. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

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