Completed Report against BeastlyMcKinley,Nena

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by PwnerOfThePeanut, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    I find you, as a player, a bug, and a nuissance. There is no abuse going on here what-so-ever. @Event Horizon himself said that you (technically) cannot call off a KOS because, just like in this situation, @BeastlyMcKinley did not see that the KOS was called off and re-called it again, therefore causing @YesyesNena :P to kill you. If anyone should be punished it should be the player "hue", because he was the one who initially called the KOS on you.
    P.S. Treat, and talk to other players how you want to be treated and talked to. Also, don't make a report for every single thing that doesn't go your way.
  2. PwnerOfThePeanut

    PwnerOfThePeanut Serious Member

    It is impossible not to see that, he filled the chat saying i was inno, you could not have humanly missed that
  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Are you a scientist? Do you have a Doctorate Degree in physical and mental health? If either of these apply, do you know the current status of @BeastlyMcKinley's mind, or eyes? You cannot come to us and say something is not 'humanly possible' when humans make obvious mistakes all the time. This is the very reason the moderator, BeastlyMcKinley, is not held accountable for your death. He carried out a KOS that was originally called by another player on the server, there is no reason for this report. If you had reported the player who called you out in-game and one of the moderators did not take action, or did something else in a false matter, we would take that into consideration, however you come to us blaming a human for not seeing "is an Innocent" once or twice after seeing "is a Traitor" multiple times -- What's unjust is this report.

    Your other report against hue (Report against huehuehue is either innocent or) will remain open for further investigation.

    This report has been found invalid and both moderators were found not guilty.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
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