Invalid Report against Agent A & wink

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Python~, Apr 18, 2017.

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  1. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Ahh there it is, now back to my previous question "why not just google "canadian army" and post one of those people?" I'm curious as to the reasons behind why you did what you did as it all seems like you were trying to troll me or common sense was dead.
  2. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I'll be locking this thread. The users being reported are Wink and Agent A therefore this added debate is unnecessary as it'll clutter the thread and the debate is about an issue that was resolved prior to the report, and now needs to be analyzed by Falcor and only Falcor to determine the legitimacy of the action. If any of you have any more additional evidence regarding the issues in question please PM a staff member so this can be unlocked.

    Otherwise a verdict will be given by @Falcor when she can.
  3. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hey Python

    Thanks for taking the time to express your concerns.
    Firstly I'll go through the warning points then subsequently the ban.

    You were reported for harassing comments on profile posts (using the forum report feature)
    Agent handled both of those, discussed it with you and issued warnings initially then when it continued.
    In turn butters was also talked to and warned.

    A few days later you then posted then altered rozboons photo which was removed as per request.
    Winks warning was sufficient and completely reasonable. So a warning point was issued with it.
    It was then noticed you had 3 warning points in less than a month. In 10 days to be exact.
    It is standard for Administration to issue a 5-7 day ban for 3 valid and open warning points.
    In no way was the length excessive or out of the norm.

    Winks reports, decision and appeals were recently reported and questioned during your ban. I suggest looking over his latest report before this for better insight on this.
    Your statement contradicts it's self if all reports mean something then why would fizzys be irrelevant. Merely an observation. And leads to the point that reports are situational and context does matter.

    Due to everything stated above and by my Administrators, This report is Invalid.
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