This is mine. Spoiler: Warning: large image! Send me a message if you want to know which desktop mods I used.
Spoiler: yeah boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Spoiler: chillax vibe Spoiler: super cool genre matching stuff Spoiler: GIF laggy buty aaa y I cleaned it and added some nice mods and now it looks fab. edit: i fixed the visualizer ayy lmao
Mfw last post 2016 and Falcor just casually walks in and revives that shit , might as well post my image ^^ Spoiler: I have some questionable files on my actual desktop so here's this ;P
I've had to do a lot of coding, so don't mind all of the miscellaneous files and programs. Spoiler: large boi
Is.. this what we're doing now again? ok.. not really a 'desktop' since its rarely ever seen since everything is tiled but.. uh here ya go: Spoiler: emptyness
Spoiler: Warning: Large (1080p) My new wallpaper. Absolutely love it. Framerate & quality are better in reality - It's a gif. Duh.
Yea, exactly. Here's the link if anyone is interested: