Post a song describing how you feel AT THIS MOMENT!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Snak, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    This concerns me because the thread is "Post music describing how YOU feel at this moment"...
    Please tell me you're not contemplating such things
  2. Jello

    Jello Banned

    This shit gives me chills.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    For the finals weeks. >.<

  4. IAmGiygas

    IAmGiygas VIP

    I feel like shit. College is running me into the ground. Barely passing because of shit going on at home and not being able to always get to campus on days I don't have class. I feel like I'm blamed for everything at home. I can't deal with this shit anymore and I can't afford moving into the dorms. I don't know what to do anymore.

    It's my favorite song by Notorious BIG.
  5. Snak

    Snak Banned

  6. Her name backwards
  7. Snak

    Snak Banned