Pluto False slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Magafe, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    Or you could look at it this way, its not looking for a reason to slay someone, merely looking for a reason not to have someone who's round was ruined go on without proper justice. This is a situation where you added three non traitorous acts and came up with a result of a traitorous act. This is not mathematically possible, non traitorous act+non traitorous act+non traitorous act does not = a traitorous act. "Its Pluto" is such a vague statement it can be interpreted as thousands of things. Maybe he was stating that it was me who was proven, or maybe he was stating that i was the one who had a certain gun, etc... You happened to interpret "its pluto" as "kos pluto" brings to mind a popular meme "boy that escalated quickly." Trouble in Terrorist Town is literally a game built upon discharging weapons and yet you took this act as traitorous when it is not. No where in the rules does it state that shooting is traitorous. If you had confirmed that he was shooting at another player you would have had 100% jurisdiction to shoot Mathew. However hearing gunshots then seeing a person shooting is not grounds for killing said person. Many people who come on our server unload entire clips into walls for the fun of it. And from what you explained and from what you could have seen, this is how it looks. He was shooting in a direction(where their happens to be a wall) while having a conversation that included my name. It is very apparent that neither of us heard him clearly because neither of us understood him correctly. You did not have indisputable evidence that he was a traitor, as you did not witness him commit a traitorous act. You did not witness him shoot and shortly after follow that same direction to identify a body.You only saw him shoot, and i don't know about you but no where in the rules do i see that shooting is traitorous. And to your accusation of biases Zikeji, i legitimately don't know where you are coming from. Are you claiming that i am being bias in favor of Mathew? When i was a staff member with Magafe and we regularly have conversations in the seriousTTT dj? The fact of the matter is i don't have biases when it comes to moderating. I slayed Magafe because he did not follow the proper rules in accordance with killing another player. I have slayed one of my best friends on the server, namenlosestier, numerous times. This is because i hold all who break the rules accountable no matter the person. I feel genuinely blind sided by the fact that you would make such accusations. With the little interaction with you that i have had it is surprising that you could have made such an observation so quickly. Never before have i had complaints from staff nor players. And here, now, you mention it on a player report simply in passing as if it is a well known fact. I would appreciate it if you could elaborate(not here of course). I have actually, physically, only been on the server with you a handful of times so id appreciate it id you could explain where you are coming from.
  2. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Pluto you've already been told by 3 admins that it wasn't a reason to slay.

    Also, my observation was from player with you a couple hours ago for 2-3 hours. You exhibited bias/favoritism to two of the players - I'm not necessarily saying that conflicted with your judgment, just warning on what I noticed.
  3. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    What traitorous act did I make up
    False kos on innocents
    Traitor baiting if he wasn't shooting you (which he did)
    Killing two innocents (Psychopanda and Pluto) which I had suspiciousion for killing panda. non of these t act were made up.
    Could of been a lot easier if you didn't go off your opinion and went off the facts.
    If you were in my position you would of seen what happened
  4. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    Ok magafe here are the facts.


    Shooting towards players (traitor baiting)- you had no proof that he was in fact shooting towards another player.
    Throwing frag, incendiary, or discombobulators
    Not identifying bodies
    Calling KOS on innocents- he did not, you and me both misunderstood what he had said. he did not state i was committing a traitorous act, nor did he say kos pluto
    Planting C4
    Damaging traitor testers or health stations
    Having traitor weapons (silenced, knife, harpoon, tear gas, etc)
    Approaching another player with an explosive prop (explosive barrel, turtle mine, etc)
    Hiding traitor equipment (C4, decoy, radio)
    Entering/Leaving a traitor only area (traitor rooms)
  5. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Killing another player is a traitorous act.
    And like I said he was shooting towards a something ( let me add something I forgot to say the angle I was in I had the ability to see most of the room but the corner you were in) then while shooting you I didn't misunderstood I heard him, he said its Pluto,then ids your body. I called a kos on him after that

    You have been playing long enough to know that someone saying , A is a t, He is a Y, it's A, when nobody A question or say anything for him to say its Pluto. There is more ways to kos then saying kos and you know that.

    Shooting towards other - check

    Killing other player - check

    Getting false slayed - check
  6. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    I am going to go ahead and rule in on the situation.

    Considering the circumstances, I fully understand why Magafe killed Mathew, and he should not have been slain. I also however understand where Pluto is coming from. Magafe did not have concrete proof that Mathew was a T. Magafe did not know for sure if Mathew had been shooting at Pluto or even if he had been shooting in the area of another player. He was able to piece the situation together between the point where Pluto died, the direction Mathew was shooting and the time of Plutos death, that Mathew must have been the T. Magafes train of thought was solid and thus should not be considered random death match.
  7. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Not that big of a deal but I called a kos on him.
  8. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    So is it fair to say that neither of is were in the wrong from our respective point of views? Mine strictly form the written rules and his from common sense and piecing a situation together. Can this report now be disregarded as an impossible situation?
  9. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Exactly. The situation was understandable from both perspectives and can essentially be disregarded as long as an apology is given to Magafe for falsely punishing him.
  10. pluto99

    pluto99 Active Member

    Magafe i am sorry that i slayed you, i should have take into account your thought process of putting these events together. In the future i will no be so quick to judge strictly on hard facts and take into account the thought process that went into piecing together a situation. I hope that you can forgive me for this miscalculation on my part and hope we can continue our friendship.
  11. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    It's fine but I told you it was a false slay >.<
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Topic Locked. Issued Resolved.
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