Came back to the lobby after a game to see that I had a doppelganger standing shadily in the background.
You know that agonizing moment when you go to record the last however many minutes and you realize shadow play is not working ... Ouch. Well it is a good thing pubg records your shit for you cause I was able to capture 5/6 kills of my game and it feels good several times i should have died this game. Going prone in an open area to take shots, running for cover, taking a shot realizing i was still on single fire, nade bounced you name it. Funny thing about the recording, I noticed the guy i killed for the win was in the recording radius of pubg's capture and i watched him from start to finish, we both landed in the same area but never came across eachother. I actually shot at him going to the zone about 5 minutes before the recording started. Guy only got 1 kill and it was out of necessity. I was sweating something fierce this game.
This is just a small cool clip that I forgot about a while back when I played with @DieKasta @ant. and @HelixSpiral
Figured I would start out the PUBG: CES posts with the results of my second round ever: Spoiler: Win 1
No, its a bad knockoff of this one. And if you love it so damn much scurry back to your fortnite thread, peasant.