I have never wanted Overwatch as much as I do right now. Obviously, I wouldn't be this good, but being able to pull off shit like this once or twice would be awesome.
One of the reasons I love overwatch is hero switching and just how awesome it can be. It turns into a game of constant hero switching countering one hero after another. It's really crazy to watch some of the pros play.
Spoiler: TFW youre Reinhardt but are possessed by M.C Hammer Also, this is MY point: http://puu.sh/pCDcd/f5ba73b506.webm
Ayyyy http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20745685202 If anyone's up for this add Tinbuster00#1243
Does anyone else dislike the coin flip system in competitive? The more I play competitive the more it annoys me that one team can win the entire game off the back of a coin flip. For me I often get it where my team is amazing at attacking, same with the enemy and both teams happen to be horrible at defending. The team who gets to attack because of the coin flip always wins.
That's probably the most broken part of competitive rn. It's totally 1-sided, which makes all competitive edge pointless. For example: 2 Winstons, 2 Dvas, Lucio, Tracer. Outside of that, I'd say competitive was polished very well.