Oh Brigette, aka "Fuck off Tracer" She's really fun to play, but she suffers from the same problems roadhog had on launch. You got a Hero who has Stun, Heals, and is tanky, which makes them super OP. HOWEVER, if you take any of those away, she'll be trash tier. I mean, look at roadhog now, without his one shot, hes useless.
Spoiler: Overwatch Spoiler: League equivalent of SHOT CALLER Spoiler: League equivalent of SPORTSMANSHIP Spoiler: League equivalent of GOOD TEAMMATE Spoiler: League honor Progressions They really stealing league's system out here.
if u wanna play with me my name on europe is Agencyx#2233 i'm lvl 58 and I usually play anything except tank, I can play tank though.
I have the game, but played it less and less after moira was added, then even less after bridgitte, cause both of them are just spamming/holding leftr mouse button and going in. Like, when I play as her, I go alone and die, but somehow if enemy team has her, the whole team goes with her like enemy army. I just, lost the interest playing the game. I had to stick on arcade random heroes, but even that I had soo many games where my enemy either sucks or is afk after they die for first game in a game. And always enemy team has gold or silver around ther hero border, and our whole team is bronze. I just hate the matchmaking/MMR system.
gold/silver hero border means nothing for skill, they can have that but be bronze skill level. srry you dont find it fun anymore though
Like, I know they have skill at bronze level, thats how MMR system works. But honestly, our team got mostly killed by a dude from enemy team that was alone with silver or golden border, even if he had MMR of a bronze player, he/she was still better than rest of enemy team with beonze border. Dont ask me, that happened too many times. (And dont ask me for player that had golden border with hanzo character, sniping everyone.) I am honestly bummed too that I lost interest, since the game was gifted to me during my B day. Which makes it even more sad. I was excited when I was first time playing the game, but how many things changed and the moira + Bridgitte, as moira doesnt need aim, spams orb at us, you cant outurn her since she follows you while sucking health... then bridgitte who can shield till she comes at you, stun you, then bashing you up so she slowly recovers her HP during the time she is killing you. I tried to kill her after stunning me, but I just did not do enough dmg. I just, was losing every game, blaming either myself or my team or enemy team. I just tried to give so many chances, but after every chance losing 3 arcade games with random heroes (no pick option) in a row, it feels like its rigged for me and only for me.
i mean i never really cared about the new annoying heros but i stopped playing because i could barely run arcade with each new update /shrug
As, that there were "problems" during battle or that there was problem running arcade as it would crash your game? Probably the first, and it doesnt suprise me. There was short debate over a week in the past on overwatch reddit about arcade being kinda unfair regarding ultimate is stored until you die with a hero, so basically the promise of arcade mystery heroes (and prob ohter gamemodes) is to store ultimate and not die or/and use it right time.
I said arcade because of 4v4, etc which are a lot less stressful on ur pc than like a 6v6 comp game so ye game broke when i opened it
I have overwatch and play it daily now. I'm mid silver and have been for 3 seasons. Damn, silver in csgo and overwatch im destined to be in silver