wont lie I am abit disappointed with this game so I was 4032 about to win, so we completed hollywood with 3 mins to spare but the enemy team decides to quad tank because we were owning them when they were using genji and tracer.They then more or less rolled us for the rest of the game because of this. I dont mind losing in overwatch but to lose to a strat that requires little to no skill to do makes me mad. Quite literally any plat player could climb to diamond/masters by just finding 5 other friends and going quad tank with moira/lucio. I really hope they fix quad tank real soon its ashame to win with skill and try so hard with shotcalling and aiming etc to then lose to something which requires no skill. Spoiler: Second GM account
Moira doesnt help stop quad tank and to stop quad tank she’d be nerfed into the ground. Perfect blend of her being released and mercy getting clipped. Or u make it so tanks so significantly less dps bc most of them are 500 hp dps
Tbh, Im surprised It took this long for quad tank to become a thing. I mean, the tanks in this game, between roadhog and dva have so much DPS potential, a good enough dva or hog can pretty much be your DPS. smh blizzard, please stop making retarded metas
my duo buddy who is a dps main is upset that he plays all the heroes who require skills and loses to heroes which require no skill to master.
legit so easy to get top 500 in this game-mode i was barely even trying but because I get ranked against actual diamond comp players games are so easy. Spoiler: Easiest top 500 of my life?
I had to get on today thinking I had done 50 games but I hadnt so did 7 more games just to get my rank and luckily i climbed
Yeah I just got my second account into top 500 I climbed from 3.6k to 4125sr in about 3 hours so that's cheered me up a lot I'm currently rank 190 in EU. I honestly think the reason why I won so many was due to the updates where it made lucio less OP and forced teams to play this like an actual comp game and work together. I also just remained positive and shot-called throughout my games while carrying with 4 golds every game. I wont deny that this mode is actually fun.
http://prntscr.com/ikv4a9 @Robokiller87 just so you are aware in CTF you dont decay but if you go inactive you lose your t500 rank so you have to keep playing to maintain it
Ik also good news the SR jump was 10 yesterday not 30 so last I checked 4140 was the minimum and with new competitive season happening soon I may be safe at 4178