Decided to take Overwatch seriously on my smurf and tryhard again. I really want to reach the top playing moira I currently have a 4.89 kd with her I play her so agressively and just go for frags rather than always heals. Spoiler Spoiler
Wait until the new system is out you'll be penalized for high winrate w/ the SR gains rn and gain less SR than you'd win w/ the new system
I mean it doesn't matter what they change I will always climb. Every game I more or less have 5 medals.
That's the thing you'll climb just more slowly. Until new system is in which is like next hour why am i even saying this #ripoldsystem2017-2018 The game is becoming less of a hell hole my doggies still sucks tho
3 in a row in this dead thread but this is worth it He proceeded to charge into their reinhardt twice while he was charging and only he died. His next 2 shatters were 100% blocked. His chat went off on him he's so funny.
Im gonna enjoy GM waiting out as long as I have for this mercy nerf considering l i t e r a l l y everyone is making mad gains rn
Are you saying all EU players were mercy mains no but srsly im gonna be happy playing competitive again with a dead moth meta
Spoiler: 4.2K CTF Player BTW I went 8-2 in placements and placed 4.2k which is pretty good and I also got the opportunity to play against alot of top 500's
Maybe I'll have fun playing comp ctf because regular competitive has been garbage for me for the last 4 months Update: 7-3 currently Placed 4022
got another account at 4.1k in CTF think I might just put three accounts in top 500 for the fun off it
ctf gives you the same rank as in comp because blizzard are lazy queued with uni mates and we all got our comp ranks despite winning the same
@Carned for the most part I agree however it is not always the case I will show below four examples. Spoiler: Player 1 Spoiler: Player 2 plat to masters 1k sr difference Spoiler: Player 3 started 800 sr higher than his current Spoiler: 4.2K GM player places 3.5k 700 sr lower than current comp rank