I'm gonna do one today and one tomorrow! Today's winner is @Panda With a Gun ! Congrats and Happy Holidays! Spoiler: screenshot Spoiler: list of names in drawing festive wrapping paper LadyLag ElfLogia Koba Kane BeedoBoyo Kostaslgr7 Doomblade3890 ryan4winter Jingle Bop NoHackJustGood Yakumo Yukari Snoweh Middle Finger Dry Ink Saint Igneus Meow project Dexter Zombina Dolph1n ❄️Zyp❄️ LegitCake Secretsanta733 Thewandmaker Alpha Wolfy Magma Snow Machine Aries No Bueno Brochacho DrkSephy Frostsu FluttersTheFestivePony StrayDonkey Neatlyspeed Captain Obvious dawildcat Robokiller87 MaulTPiss Squidd the King of Vanilla. Xaxago Opalium Tinbuster00 Elfis Rare Endangered Spycrab Far Warden Sugar Glaze R3sh Hingle Quaappa Claus Rhinocores Nipple of The North Rdme Santa Love Royal Viking MythMe Frost Master Santa Ruby Christmas Angel Anna coolmaxamillion Etched Mapled Holiday Graze dugi Weeboo04 Angel-Kun avukyi2r3 smithy1 AquikHDforceNL pup RainyKitsune ice rink Saint lNSPECTOR Frosty Frost G0dzilla^^ WillTheWolf LucifeF Deepsea1508 Gunman777777 Smash Lvl 15 Magikarp Edge077 firemac Jassa Matt Pandemic Panda With a Gun Red IAmCam Pancake? LewisTheElf Tarmorman ayygurl_ Reindeer NinjaDragon48 declanirish NachoGril willcraft The Law Shadow WintrPlays Vinerra elyo-luk GlutenTag SonicUnleashedXY InSaNiTy Drunkonmilk Savage Claus Kyle the Penguin Romulus Brian_B83 Milo Rhienor dark of dutch AnarkisT Xproplayer Green Raptor Hisoka Sir Clutch Oxydeous ᵈᵒᵍᵉSantaᵈᵒᵍᵉ urke018 OneGladDay Saeko Tortilla Jackson Janppa Digly Kaggmaster Falalalalacor How Chad stole Christmas Snowlar Booty Führer cromario54 RebleGAM3z samholio videomaniac12 BlueGalaxy Beard Core Littlememe Mutekino Steven SS3 Goku Agent A Goose Father Bobby Skyrossm Squanchy Hyper Yeezus Edgar Allan Pwned daddynexxus SilenŦ RebeŁ Tay™ greenhobo Da names Gucci Pycicle~ Giraffe ☼Berserkerpups☼ Voca BlueCore Flashpoint Vallorz French Toast Christmas4lyfe Cloud -z- Grace Satan's pretty cool Hextis Melon Maniac MerryDobie Darth Gorgamel SantasLilSnooper Sage FrostedBlade Totallystoked Carned Tups Dr.Death Gazzy Mr. Rogers Proper Easter bunny tog Mason Detective Spruce Tree