It's been a while since I used Photoshop or made any signature. But my signature Shop is open again. I'l probably make more standard signatures too. This is the latest "Signature, logo" I made for a company (Blurred out the name although you can still read it meh)
Name for signature: Thistle Text style: I don't know, I'll let you be creative Image(s): either spiderman or deadpool, which ever you can find the best render for Quote(s): Extra detail's: Suprise me,anything at all I'll be happy with. Appreciate this by the way!
If the shop is still open, I'd love one! Name for signature: MagmaCarrier Text style: Subtle, or if you have something better in mind go ahead Image(s): Anything related to my name or which might go with it Quote(s): Can you use this "The better the rules, the better the game, it's never the same" Extra detail's: Surprise me I hope this was hard enough for ya, and if the shop is closed no worries. Thank you so much anyway <3
I'd really love one in the following format: Text: Acnologia The King of Dragons The Ultimate Creation Photos: Photos of Acnologia in both his human and dragon form would be amazing. (if using the human form, use one where he has white/grey hair) Size: A bit on the large side would be preferred Extra details : The text font should more on the bold side . I like basic signature which fit in a rectangle, like my current one. Would really appreciate it if you were to make one that incorporates all of this. I used to use this one before, this should give you some info on what types of signatures I like:
Name for signature: GunAndBomb Text style: any Image(s): something relevant to my name Quote(s): The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Extra detail's: - Thanks!
@Lucifer , you've done it. You've made a perfect Acnologia sig. Thanks so much, man. I'll start using it from tomorrow, since I'm on my phone right now.
I had no idea what to doo with what you wanted so I left your signature over to a close friend mine and this is what he made. I personally don't like it xD But everyone has a different taste and he likes it. If you don't like it just tell me and I'l work on it myself. Any changes? With quotes
Finished the last 2 signatures. If I missed anyone, please Re-apply for a signature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name for signature: Dean Winchester Text style: Whatever you think looks best Image(s): Something of Dean and some guns I guess Quote(s): "So how bout we kill some evil sons of bitches and raise a little hell huh?" Extra detail's: Throw in TeamKyogurt and Serious TTT Moderator somewhere Thanks a ton man