I somehow managed to reach Plat 5 promos for the first time. Never thought I would see the day. Wish me luck and I'll do them later today, possibly before class.
I'm leveling a smurf to boost people in ranked with so if anyone new wants to play bots with me I can teach you a lot about the game. name is: Abyss7
Lost my plat promos 2-3 last night, and got back in. 1-1 but I don't think I'll ever put on a game quite like this one. Spoiler: trynda no skill champ
Well. I guess I can start staffing again kapper. It took 2 failed promos but it's finally over. Spoiler: The Dream
I'm not sure whether it's worth playing ranked as pre-season is just around the corner. My IGN is Peakby so add me if you wish, I'm not that boosted for a Silver IV...