That moment when DarkLegion saves you from your silly charges. Had a silly laughing moment during that pause while I got away that isn't on mic.
What do you guys think of the new taric OP or no? I had some guy play him for the first time in my ranked game so I picked kennen and flash+ulted into them every time he made the entire team invulnerable so it wore off before they could do anything
His teammates only. It takes a moment to drop unlike kindred whose ult comes down instantly. Also with his W he is able to connect with a teammate that he shields. Then any one of his abilites he casts will also be cast on the binded player. Basically giving him 2 heals, 2 stuns, and 2 ults.
Its an aoe spell in about 300 units around taric that charges for 2.5 secs, and then after the charge time, grant invulnerability to teammates within the circle for 2.5 seconds. It can be given to two different aoes with the use of his w. It takes a good bit of time to ramp up, and I dont think taric can cast other spells in that time, so he leaves his teammates open to assassins/separation during that time.