Got a penta with the free champ of the week, first time playing him, was going 2/7, only had a locket and a thornmail, but ended up carrying the game with top damage and an s+. Tutoring starts Thursday, signups are posted on the fridge.
@Sinz graced me with a very generous birthday present. Very grateful. @hello my friend is also ridiculously generous. pls @Mason
Wut. You got SKT T1 Jax + Underworld TF + Championship Thresh? I only get Nunu skins from Mystery Gifts. Thanks rito
It was @Brahma's first time jungle since he had just reached level 10. Some bad plays but overall I have to say he did well. Better than the first time @Bear went jungle with Yi. I never recovered from that day. Spoiler: Nice meme kappa
I'm very new to League, so far I've bought Master Yi and Ashe, amazing and pretty cheap champs. Edit: Another good game, a Shac was stealing some of my kills and I had a little bad start, anyways great.
Spoiler: Ezmuney Next stop:Masters Also I'm the only current diamond in the league tournament, gg no re.