Spoiler: They call me Godlio Me and @Hingle played with a Lee Sin who wanted to intentionally feed so we carried the game instead.
I have two PBE accounts so I played the new Graves, it was actually pretty interesting and not as bad as it seems although I didn't get a chance to test it against players. Also there are a LOT of new items on there currently so I expect the preseason to be pretty interesting once it hits live.
So. Many. Items. New Quinn is very nice, new graves is ok. I don't really like the slow auto time, but it's an interesting mechanic. What's your PBE account name?
Spoiler: This is illegal in the us They all complain that the changed marksmen are op (except quinn.) Of course they are, its PBE and rito gamz.
Spoiler: Kassawin Baby When you, @John Cena , and a random Ashe have to team together to beat your (sometimes) intentionally feeding salty Gnar (Darktooth's long lost brother) and an AFK @Scary . It makes for a great heartwarming movie narrative.
I'd like to thank my support, for always having my back, and I'd like to thank Veigar for stealing my kills.
what is this garbage? Morg with a full zhonyas but no sightstone or boots. Jinx with no boots. Renekton with no jungle item. Nasus rushing sterak's against galio. I wish my ranked games were liked this!