Preseason incoming. tl;dr from guy I found on reddit: Marksmen update similar to juggernauts coming for Corki, Miss Fortune, Graves, Caitlyn, Kog'Maw, and Quinn. New/reworked AD items for different strategies of dealing damage. Revamped mastery system, fewer choices that offer more impact (examples: damaging abilities cause targets to bleed or movement speed boost when you deal a large chunk of damage to an enemy champion). Vision/trinket/support item changes: free trinket upgrades, upgrade tier 2 support items into power tier 3 orslot-efficient sightstone upgrade. Stealth Wards removed, but wards that expire will leave "debris". New starting items (example: the Cull which is "a light skirmishing AD starting item that provides less defensive stats than Doran’s Blade, but gives bonus gold for killing a set number of minions.") Potion/flask changes: Health Potions will cost more, Mana Potions are being removed, but upgradable Refillable Potions are being added. Before Baron spawns, a new neutral monster called The Rift Herald will take its place. Killing it will give a "single target buff focused on early game power and pushing down the lane." (Baby Nashor). Exciting stuff.
At this point I might as well stop using reddit when I can just follow you on here instead. Also can you repost the one that goes into detail about what they're doing to the ADC's I actually found the concepts they presented very interesting. More specifics if you're interested.
So league is going to become DOTA. Make every champ OP so no one is OP, kewl. Another mastery rework? Already? More support reworks and vision changes? Dank Dank Dank
Diana penta, wooo.
Four prizes have been redeemed, only one mystery skin remains. The first person to win with a harrowing skin and post it here wins so you better hurry!
I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time my dear Sivir... #sadpoem .. #rankmeupcoach oh and first game back and I lose, I wonder why, really not clear to me :/