Spoiler: When you're about to drop the hottest support game of 2015 Spoiler: and someone locks in vayne
I never said it wasn't, but he wasn't good at it lol. On a side note, qualified for Gold V. Spoiler: More Dankplank
Gj I was going to go for that too, but I realized I was in Silver IV. Today I played with a Ryze top who had 40 cs at 40 minutes. the enemy support could kill him. such is life in silver IV.
here is my pro guide to getting to gold 1. play a champion that can carry 2. focus on your own mistakes and disregard your allies
yeah, it's not as though I'm some challenjour player, I screw up all the time. Just thought it was funny, even I was very salty once the match finished. ( Promos </3 ) I think one of the problems I have is that my champion pool isn't so great this meta. I love playing bursty champs such as Diana, Annie, and Veigar ( No, I'm not playing him because of c9 at worlds. . ) but I just can't burst down people who are tanky while still doing damage, such as skarner / darius / morde, who usually don't get banned.
If you're playing with people who don't ban darius/morde they have issues, skarner is so-so imo. But diana, annie and veigar are all solid mid picks in this meta espescially annie and veigar.
Ha, last few games have had garen and morde in them. Darius is nearly a 100% ban rate, but I think he's easier to play against than Garen. Unless Darius gets his passive + ulti up and running he isn't incredibly strong. Despite that, I'm still going to keep spamming ranked. One day I will hit Gold V!!1111111
I rarely win games and when I play ranked I get paired up with the scrubiest of them all. It wasn't until I followed @Derp Mason 5 step plan. With King derps 5 step plan you can turn any scrub into a winner. Just look at these results Spoiler: I was on a 8 loss streak With Derp's help anybody can become a winner. It's only a monthly payment of $9.99/month. I highly recommend it and with that kind of help maybe someday you will be playing for a professional league team and win the big $$$$ So order now while supplies last.