Spoiler: Gnar is my favorite champion Our team was feeding early, started focusing on farming and bought a Runaan's for the instant-Mega Gnar. Snowballed like fuck. Pushed lanes. This is the first game in the past like 40 where I don't feel bronze
Spoiler: Some recent highlights My mlg master yi build. Got four pentakills and a triple xD ( Took me like two seasons to figure out how Annie works xD ) Sorry for bad quality, this is a pentakill I got with Katarina. She's so much more difficult than people say she is lol .. .. if you think this is real you have the iq of a lemming
I feel like it's fair to mention that whenever I play ww, it's not unusual to have the support dealing more damage to me in the post-round stats. Someone like Karma exist to poke, while someone like ww has no skillshots. If you don't gank until 6 and you're building devourer, you aren't going to be dealing much damage to enemy champions. Especially if your team ff's at 20 are something. I played soraka the other day my adc just focused on farming. She never got to the point where she was doing end-game damage, so the post round damage was actually in my favor.