ya people smurfing in bronze tilts the shit out of me. they just destroy the entire game and make it so unfun. theres nothing that turns me off of the game more than smurfs. Like "wow cool you can destroy a bronze game nice job you should feel good about yourself"
Spoiler: Game 1 S+ WW The guy called snowH on the team said its hopeless one man cant make the team I am glad I proved him wrong. Literally hard carried after my top laner went 0-5 and my mid was afk and behind 50 CS. Used to main WW before he was strong but it makes me sad now because everyone plays him. Spoiler: Game 2 S+ WW
K, I actually said I was going to quit league, but I didn't in the end. Just playing WAYY less than before. @Destiny Blade . Happened right after you hopped off
@Azaelus so after I left yall things didnt go as planned so I solo qued for ARAM and got this. First game as Morgana in any mode.
just played a normals game and won after our diamond 2 teemo fed and ragequit after losing to a silver 5 darius easiest 4 vs 5 of my life
That is nothing compared to these buffs that she received... A proper analogy for this would be that Riot gave her a sundae, but decided to eat the cherry on the top after some consideration.
Second time taric ez S. Anyways the amount of people asking if I'm a smurf in normals. I think they fail to realise im gold 5 but placed with bronzes because I have low normals MMR.