I'm Sorry This Has To Happen

Discussion in 'Farewells' started by Avalon Treman, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    I hope everything works out for you Avalon. Have a good one.
  2. Damn.
    All the best, Avalon. Recover well.
  3. kwasaznik

    kwasaznik VIP

    That's some serious bad crap your in :(,don't be gone to long. I hope all the best to you.

    One last thing please don't forget me (y)
  4. Slap

    Slap Dont steal my cheerios VIP

    I played with you the day you got mod and now im seeing the day you leave.... you were a good man and a good friend its sad to see you go and hope you can work it out.
  5. Oh Gawd someone call the ambulance im going to die of a broken heart:(
  6. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP

    Best regards to you and your endevors. You were a great staff member and will always be remebered that way. See yah around! <3
  7. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned