I'm paying $65 a month. No TV service required at this speed. Upload bursts at 40 m/bit then drops to 12 around 3 seconds in.
Lol, it gave your internet an F+ BTW it's weird how @MagmaCarrier and @Steven | SP have the same "grade" Spoiler: grades
I think my internet is a pretty average speed, considering we have an awful provider (TalkTalk). Somebody who I raid with in World of Warcraft lives in South Africa and had the worst internet I have ever seen. I'll try to see if he could send me a screenshot of a speedtest.net. EDIT: My Upload is just terrible, isn't it?
Pretty sure I have the worst internets 'round here. On the other hand, my Grade used to be B, so I guess hooray for my country for advancing.
May as well update mine since it was years ago that I posted. Home: (same as 2 years ago, but degraded) Colo: Work:
On a good day my download reaches 200 Mb/s, regardless I'm happy with these results and it tickles my fancy. *Faster then 98% of Canada* Omgosh Red, I'll send you internet ASAP.